How To Reduce Your EMF Exposure (And Why You Want To)
The WHO has classified EMFs as "possibly carcinogenic to humans." Here are simple steps you can take right now to reduce your EMF exposure.
Konjac Sponge Review: All Natural Facial Sponge
The konjac sponge is huge in East Asia as a natural facial cleanser and exfoliator, and it’s getting popular here. But does it really work? Find out here!
Implantation Bleeding: What It Is and What to Look For (Photos!)
When does implantation occur? How is implantation bleeding different from menstrual bleeding? How long does implantation bleeding last? Find out now.
Why Natural Birth Is So Beneficial For Baby & Mama
Why choose natural birth? Is natural birth painful? Find out the (sometimes surprising) benefits of an intervention free, natural birth in this article.
Natural Remedies for UTI Photos and Info by Mama Natural
Natural Remedies for UTI
Urinary tract infections or UTIs are no fun, especially during pregnancy. Here's how to tell if you have a UTI, plus natural remedies to fix it.
Is a Water Birth Right for You post by Mama Natural
Is a Water Birth Right for You?
A water birth can be one of the best ways to manage pain during childbirth, and it offers many other benefits too. Find out if water birth is right for you!
Baby Poop chart and colors
Baby Poop Chart: What's Normal & What Ain't (With Pictures!)
What does breastfed baby poop look like? What about formula poop? And what's up with green baby poop? Take a look at these pictures to find out what baby's poop says about his health.
Best Natural Sun Screen – Sun Cream I Recommend For Babies, Kids, and Adults Mama Natural
Best Natural Sunscreen for Babies, Kids, and Adults
Sunscreen. Conventional options are bad for you. Many “green” ones aren’t much better. What's a natural mama to do? What is the best natural sunscreen?
Pregnancy Supplements: What I Choose to Take During Pregnancy
Pregnancy Supplements: What I Choose to Take During Pregnancy
Find out what pregnancy supplements I take to stay healthy and grow a healthy baby throughout my pregnancy. Most of these I take while not pregnant too.
Top 10 Water Birth Videos, a collection by Mama Natural
Top 10 Water Birth Videos
What is a water birth like? Is a water delivery right for you? Watch our collection of the 10 best water birth videos to find out! Be amazed, be inspired!
Breech Birth: What Are Your Options for Delivery?
Are you facing a breech birth? Find out what your options are for a breech vaginal delivery as well as when a cesarean birth is a better choice.
Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness – Mama Natural
Natural Morning Sickness Remedies: 10 Things That Really Work
Looking for natural morning sickness remedies to ease your queasiness? Find the best, sometimes surprising, ways to reduce pregnancy nausea naturally.