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  • My natural childbirth, part 2, delivery, baby birth video by Genevieve Mama Natural
    • 88
    Natural Birth Videos – Fast Birth Center Delivery

    Here's a video of my natural childbirth and delivery of my baby girl Paloma Skye. A fast and easy natural birth. (Warning: slightly graphic video.)

  • Here's video from my natural childbirth with my first child, which took place in a birthing center with a midwife and doula. Here are my reflections.
    • 78
    My September 11th Baby

    When I found out my due date was September 13, I hoped and prayed he wouldn't come on September 11. But here's why I'm so glad he did.

  • Genevieve Mama Natural photo
    About Mama Natural

    Mama Natural helps mothers-to-be and moms of young children lead healthier and more natural lives. If you’re a baby carrying mama, this site is for you.