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How to Make Your Own Bubble Bath
Another option is to make your own bubble bath! This is great for the DIY-ers or folks who want to make 100% sure their bubble bath is toxin-free.
Here are a few recipes to try.
Soothing Salt Bubble Bath
The addition of magnesium rich salt gives this bubble bath a soothing and rejuvenating boost. Great for calming kids before bedtime!
- 1/2 cup epsom salt or magnesium flakes
- 1/8 cup himalayan pink salt (optional)
- 1 cup liquid soap
- 1 tbsp vegetable glycerin
- 30-50 drops essentail oils
Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath.
Moisturizing Honey Bubble Bath
The honey and almond oil in this recipe are great for adding moisture to dry skin or flaky skin.
- 1 cup sweet almond oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 3/4 cup liquid Castile soap
- 30-50 drops essential oils (Lavender works well)
Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath.
Super Bubble Bath
The egg white in this recipe helps the bubbles hold their shape longer.
- 1 cup liquid Castile soap
- 1 egg white
- 30-50 drops essentail oils
Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath. For extra foaming power, add a little bit of water and mix with a hand mixer to make foam before adding to the bath.
You can add 1 cup of water to stretch this recipe and make it last longer. It won’t be as bubbly but it will save you money.
Why We Limit Our Kids’ Baths in General
Bubble baths are awesome, but we still limit them to about once per week in our household.
Our skin actually houses good bacteria that shouldn’t be washed away too often. That’s why skin-to-skin touching is so important to newborns who are developing their microbiome.
The “hygiene hypothesis” states that too few exposures to bacteria and pathogens in early childhood may interfere with proper immune system development. Studies have found that too frequent bathing may indeed lead to asthma, eczema and even diabetes and leukemia.
Washing away the natural oils (sebum) on our skin too frequently can cause dry skin or may cause the skin to go into sebum overdrive and actually cause greasy skin.
Also, the natural oils on our skin help to absorb our vitamin D from the sun. Your skin can take up to 48 hours to fully absorb vitamin D through the skin, so washing too frequently may affect healthy vitamin D levels.
Kind of a downer epilogue to a bubble bath post, eh? But, in moderation, bubble baths can be healthy and super fun.
Mommy likes a good bubble bath, too!
You’re never to old to enjoy a good bubble party! I like to add a few drops of Lavender, Peace & Calming, Chamomile or Stress Away essential oil to my baths for added therapeutic effect.
How About You?
Do your kids take bubble baths? What bubble bath do you use? Share with us in the comments below!