Gestational Diabetes: Signs, Causes, and Natural Ways to Treat It

Find natural alternatives to glucola testing, plus learn about the risks of gestational diabetes for you and baby and how to manage the condition naturally.

Prepping for your glucose test? Discover more natural alternatives to glucola testing here. Or maybe you've already been diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Learn about the risks of gestational diabetes for you and baby, plus find out how to manage the condition naturally.

If you’re going into your glucose test, you may be nervously wondering: Could I have gestational diabetes? If you failed your glucose test, you may be wondering: what now?

First, a bit of good news: Gestational diabetes is a manageable condition. But there are a few things you need to know. Here you’ll find:

Here’s my video: Gestational Diabetes: Signs, Causes, and Natural Ways to Treat It

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is when a pregnant woman develops high blood glucose (sugar) levels during pregnancy.

Our bodies take the food we eat and turn it into glucose (sugar) that enters our bloodstream. In response, insulin is produced by our pancreas to help move that glucose from our blood to our cells where it’s used as energy. Without adequate insulin, blood sugar levels can build up in our blood, which is a problem.

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What Causes Gestational Diabetes?

No one knows for sure, but the medical community’s best guess is that it could be caused by the placenta’s growth. As the baby grows, the placenta grows to support him. But that growing placenta also releases a growth hormone called human placental lactogen (HPL) that can block the action of insulin in the mother’s body. If your body doesn’t have enough insulin to change the glucose in your blood to energy, it can build up to high levels, which leads to a failed glucose test and a diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

How Common is Gestational Diabetes?

It’s estimated that 9.2% of women will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes during their pregnancy.

Risk factors include:

  • Family history of diabetes
  • Being overweight pre-pregnancy
  • Advanced maternal age
  • High blood pressure
  • If you had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy
  • If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Race: Hispanic/Latina, African-American, Native American, Alaska Native, Asian American, or Pacific Islanders are all at a higher risk
  • Even a Paleo or low-carb diet!

Why is ethnicity a risk factor for gestational diabetes?

Hispanic/Latina, African-American, Native American, Alaska Native, Asian American, or Pacific Islanders are all at a higher risk, and researchers dove into this issue.  Researchers found that Latina mamas born outside of the US had higher rates of gestational diabetes than Latina mamas born in the US.

Although there isn’t one specific explanation for this phenomenon, researchers suspect that the following factors play a big role:

  • Exposure to the western diet
    • Their diet may also naturally include more carbohydrates from corn, rice, beans and fruit juices.
  • Rapid changes (including stress and diet changes) from migrating
  • Personal health history and diabetes history
  • Exposure to environmental toxins (some countries still use pesticides linked to diabetes, according to this study)

In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied the link between obesity rates among different ethnic groups. While obesity is a contributing factor for the increased risk of gestational diabetes, the researchers concluded that there are more factors (besides weight) at play when looking at ethnicity and gestational diabetes.

What Are the Signs of Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy?

Most women don’t have any symptoms of gestational diabetes, so it’s difficult to know if you have it without testing. Many of the symptoms are common pregnancy symptoms, so you may just chalk it up to that. You know your body best. If something feels off or you experience the following symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider. Here are some things you may experience:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination (yes even more than usual!)
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Extreme nausea
  • Frequent vaginal, bladder, or skin infections
  • Blurred vision

How to Test for Gestational Diabetes

There are no standardized screening guidelines for gestational diabetes, but most doctor’s offices follow a general procedure called a Glucola test between weeks 24-28 of pregnancy. If you’re at high risk for developing it, your doctor may test earlier.

Since there are usually no symptoms, a screening test is the only way to determine if you have gestational diabetes. Here’s what you can expect:

  • At the doctor’s office they’ll have you drink a syrupy solution containing 50 grams of sugar, usually on an empty stomach. (Some doctors will give you the drink at a previous appointment, so you can consume it at home and then come in. This limits in-office wait time. Additionally, some doctors or midwives will let you drink with a protein like eggs or meat.)
  • An hour later you’ll have a blood test to measure your blood sugar level.

What if you fail the Glucola test?

If you fail the test, it could just indicate that you’re at higher risk for gestational diabetes, so you’ll have to come back for a fasting test. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Your doctor will schedule a morning appointment and ask you to fast for 12 hours.
  • When you arrive the doctor will check your fasting blood sugar level and then give you a syrupy drink with a higher concentration of glucose than the first test’s drink.
  • After that, they test your blood sugar every hour for the next three hours (Bring a book, you’re going to be there for a while.?)
  • If at least two of your blood sugar readings are too high, you’ll be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

The problem with Glucola

There are a lot of problems with Glucola. Some versions of the drink are “cleaner” than others, however they all contain ingredients most of us try to stay away from. This drink contains artificial flavors, GMO corn syrup, glycerol ester of wood rosin, and brominated vegetable oil (BVO). Yikes! 

What’s more, some women report nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, and other symptoms after a Glucola test. Natural mama’s who avoid processed food and refined sugar are more likely to react negatively, since their bodies aren’t used to all that junk (and that much sugar!).

False positives are also fairly common. In fact, 1 in every 4 women who test positive for gestational diabetes with Glucola don’t actually have the condition. Similarly, many women who DO have gestational diabetes won’t test positive with Glucola.

Alternatives to Glucola

  1. Try other sugary food: Some women opt for a dye-free version of the drink or consume orange juice, dates, jellybeans, or other sugary substances instead with doctor’s approval. To mimic the effect of the drink, you should consume something with 50 grams of sugar and no healthy fats. Talk to your provider to come up with a plan of action. (Note: Some providers contend that jellybeans won’t cut it, however a study of 136 pregnant women demonstrated their effectiveness.)
  2. Hemoglobin A1C screeningFor women in the first or early second trimester, this can detect whether you’ll develop gestational diabetes later in pregnancy. Note: results can be skewed if you’re dehydrated or have anemia.
  3. Log blood sugar levels: Though a bit time-consuming, it’s possible to keep a log of blood sugar levels at specific times of the day for one to two weeks. This is a more accurate indicator of blood sugar levels, especially for women who eat low carb or paleo. Note: Most insurance companies won’t cover a glucose meter without a diabetes diagnosis, but you can purchase a meter and a pack of test strips over-the-counter.
  4. Glucoganics: This organic beverage is an alternative to Glucola. Free from artificial ingredients, this drink is certified organic and contains the recommended 50 grams of sugar.  It’s only made from water, cane sugar, and lemon concentrate. That’s it! And here’s another fun fact: Glucoganics was created by a mama in our Mama Natural Birth Course! How cool is that?

The Fresh Test as an Alternative to Glucola

If you’re not into counting jelly beans, you’re not out of options. As more and more mamas voice their concerns against Glucola, companies are listening and creating alternatives. The Fresh Test is a cucumber and mint lemonade that contains 50 gram of sugar, ideal for the glucose tolerance test. The drink is free from artificial dyes, artificial flavors, and harmful preservatives like sodium benzoate. The Fresh Test is available in a 2-pack, 10-pack, and 30-pack powder form, or as a bottle of juice.

Plus, cucumber and mint lemonade just sounds downright refreshing, right?

Save 20% off The Fresh Test with promo code MAMANATURAL

Making Your Own Glucose Drink

As of this writing, the liquid bottles of The Fresh Test are currently sold out. You could recreate your own though!

If you are feeling creative, you could make your own glucose drink using dextrose powder. Dextrose is a simple sugar, and the cool thing is that it’s chemically identical to glucose (source). You could purchase pure organic dextrose powder and add enough to make 50 grams of sugar mixed with water.

Note: Whether you’re considering The Fresh Test or a DIY version of the Fresh Test, talk to your OBGYN or midwife first.

False Positives Are Possible, Especially for Natural Mamas

Remember: False positives with the Glucola test are pretty common—1 in 4 women without gestational diabetes test positive.

If you follow a paleo, low-carb diet, or just aren’t used to eating large quantities of refined sugar and processed food, your body may be more sensitive to the Glucola test. This can cause your body to react negatively—your insulin can spike, causing a false positive.

Low-carb, high-fat diets transiently increase insulin resistance. This isn’t a flaw, it’s a feature to ensure you keep burning fat in the tissues that can and preserve precious glucose for the sections of the brain that must burn glucose. But this also means that taking a gestational diabetes test while low-carb can give a false diagnosis. (Source.)

If you suspect you might wind up with a false positive, talk to your healthcare provider about some of the alternative testing methods outlined above. 

What to Expect if You Are Diagnosed With Gestational Diabetes

You’ll have to get used to daily blood testing. Your healthcare provider will usually have you test when you wake up in the morning, then again throughout the day. The schedule may vary slightly, but it’s likely you’ll be taking your blood four to five times a day. Some common testing times: after breakfast, after a mid-morning snack, after lunch, after an afternoon snack, after dinner.

You’ll also have to meet with a diabetes specialist, who will give you test strips, lancets, and a blood glucose meter about the size of your palm. When you test your blood you insert a test strip into the meter and then prick a finger with a lancet inserted into a spring-loaded device. You then place some of the blood on the test strip and wait for results.

You may also get a booklet to record your meals, daily exercise, and blood sugar levels. In regular meetings with your specialist they’ll help you analyze trends, come up with better plan meals, and provide general encouragement to stay on track.

Natural Treatments for Gestational Diabetes

You may wonder if you’ll have to give yourself shots. The good news: not necessarily. It is absolutely possible to manage gestational diabetes through a specially tailored diet and exercise. Here are some healthy changes that can make a big difference:

1. Cut back on carbs

Carbs are going to be strictly monitored. Not just breads, pastas, and cereals, but also healthy carbs like fruit, dairy, beans, and squashes. Adopting a low-carb diet rich in healthy fats and proteins helps to stabilize blood sugar, balance hormones, and decrease insulin resistance. 

Primal or Paleo diets may work well for this. It’s helpful to work with a nutritionist or nutritional therapy practitioner to create a meal plan.

2. Focus on foods that reduce inflammation

Some of the foods that have been associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease are also associated with excess inflammation,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health

Choose healthy fats, like nuts/seeds, olive oil, fatty fish, and grass-fed butter, as well as green leafy vegetables.

3. Get your greens and veggies

Foods rich in fiber and protein are also important to help manage gestational diabetes as they slow digestion time (and reduce insulin spikes!). Try asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes.

4. Take your vitamins

Studies suggest that women who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to develop gestational diabetes. Getting some sunshine and supplementing with cod liver oil can help boost vitamin D levels. Supplementing with chromium, a necessary mineral that helps metabolize carbohydrates, may also be beneficial.

5. Boost magnesium levels

In one study, pregnant women with gestational diabetes were given 250 mg of magnesium daily for 6 weeks. Magnesium significantly improved blood sugar levels significantly and reduced markers of inflammation and cell damage. Their babies also saw a 20.6% reduction in excess bilirubin, which can cause jaundice. Regularly include high magnesium foods into your diet.

6. Get some sleep

Easier said than done, but try to make quality sleep a priority. Sleep deprivation raises the stress hormone cortisol, contributing to unhealthy belly fat. Insulin sensitivity decreases rapidly and raises the risk for diabetes when we’re not getting enough quality sleep

7. Get moving

Exercise plays an important role in lowering your blood’s glucose level. When you exercise, your muscles can more efficiently use insulin to process blood sugar and use it for energy. In the long term, regular exercise can lower your A1C—your body’s average blood glucose level over a period of 2-3 months. (source)

One study found that taking just three short walks each day after meals was enough to help reduce blood sugar levels. In fact, those walks were just as effective over the span of 24 hours as a single 45-minute walk.

When Natural Treatments Aren’t Working

In some cases, you may be doing everything you can to no avail. Don’t beat yourself up, mama. It happens.

If you’re taking steps to manage your gestational diabetes and it’s still out of control, then you may have to take medicine or give yourself insulin injections. If untreated, gestational diabetes can be serious for both you and your baby. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations. And reach out for support if you find yourself struggling.

Remember: This is only temporary. Your blood sugar levels will most likely resolve themselves after baby’s birth.

Can Gestational Diabetes Harm the Baby?

It’s very important to work with your care providers to manage your gestational diabetes and reduce problems for both mama and baby. 

If not controlled, gestational diabetes can cause the following in babies:

  • Shoulder dystociaThis occurs when a baby’s head is delivered through the vagina, but his shoulders get stuck inside the mother’s body. It can cause serious complications for both mama and baby.
  • Macrosomia: A fancy way of saying your baby can get too big. Since high birth weight can lead to delivery complications (bleeding or uterine rupture in mama; abnormal blood sugar levels in baby), your baby’s weight will be regularly monitored. (This could mean more ultrasounds.)
  • Respiratory problems
  • Jaundice
  • Low blood sugar
  • Higher risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes as an adult

If not controlled, gestational diabetes can also cause the following problems for mamas:

  • High blood pressure or preeclampsia
  • Pre-term delivery
  • Higher risk of stillbirth
  • Higher risk of c-section, particularly if your healthcare provider estimates your baby weighs more than 9 pounds

Can You Still Have a Home Birth if You Have Gestational Diabetes?

If you were planning on a home birth or birthing center, it may no longer be an option due to some of the delivery risks of gestational diabetes. Post-birth your baby will be closely monitored for a drop in blood sugar, which can damage the baby’s brain and lead to developmental delays.

Talk to your doctor or midwife to determine what’s right for you and your baby. 

Gestational Diabetes IS Manageable

Is diabetes during pregnancy serious? Absolutely! But it’s a manageable condition. In most cases, mamas with gestational diabetes have a little extra work to do, but they’ll go on to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Follow the tips above and listen to your caregivers. And always get extra support if you need it.

How about you?

We want to hear from you! Do you plan to take the Glucola test? For mamas already diagnosed with gestational diabetes: What steps are you taking to manage the condition?

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Thank you for The Fresh Test recommendation. I used their product and absolutely loved it! Definitely recommend to anyone else looking for an alternative to the traditional drink.

  2. Has anyone used Berberine for blood sugar during pregnancy? My naturopath recommended it, but there is mixed information on its safety.

    • This is really something to verify with a licensed healthcare provider–most nutritional supplements are not supported by pregnancy-related research. Anything that could potentially alter blood sugar, especially during pregnancy, should be taken with close oversight from a medical professional who is competent and trained in the administration of supplements like that!

  3. Scientific research has shown that the genetics of both parents (the child’s genetics) affects the risk for gestational diabetes. I think this is useful information for pregnant mothers with babies of mixed ethnicities.

  4. The Fresh Test is back in stock, and now comes in powder form that you mix with water. Late summer of 2021 they are supposed to be releasing a 75g and 100g version also!

    • Yes I was able to use The Fresh Test and loved it!! I failed my 1 hour test so I had to do the 3 hour screening. They were so nice and said that because of all the craziness right they were experiencing shipping delays so they were out of stock again with the 100 gram option but if my provider cleared it I could use two 50 gram packets which is what I ended up doing. Such a great alternative.

  5. As the article mentioned that some of us are concerned about ingesting GMOs, I would just like to point out that ALL insulin available (at least in the US) is GMO!
    I had to research this up, as all the articles I’ve found about gestational diabetes completely fail to even mention this. How’s that for motivation to control it with diet and exercise?

    • Thank you for this!
      I have undiagnosed insulin resistance anyway, that I usually manage by eating a low ish carb diet (allow some fruits sweet potatoes beans etc).
      I do have a hard time exercising just because I tend to find it so distasteful. I’m a person in my own head a lot and my body is like a meat suit lol. I do enjoy the mental and physical stimulation of nature walks though, so this comment is helpful to get me desiring to get outside even if I don’t feel like it. Thanks.

  6. I was type 2 diabetic and I use herbs to help with managing my glucose levels.,As a herbs lover, I have learned the benefits of using herbs to help with my diabetes. One of the most beneficial herbs that I use and works great is Worldherbsclinic Diabetes herbs formula. My doctor is still surprised at how well I have been able to reverse my diabetes and High blood pressure. Sugar level normal, blood pressure normal. All thanks to Worldherbsclinic.

    • I can’t find world herbs clinic online. Do you have a link??

  7. I’ve never commented on a site, but wanted to share my story in rare event anyone else can benefit and avoid the glucose drink – particularly if you are organic/clean eater. As a gluten and dairy free, generally very healthy eater, I was borderline on the first test so, as I was 39 they had me do the 2nd dose that was much bigger. I did that, felt ill but passed very easily but within a day broke out in horrendous itchy bright red body rash running throughout my torso, inner thighs, back and all along lymph system. I was terrified for any potential impact on baby and also couldn’t sleep as so itchy miserable. LONG STORY but I finally found a woman who did lymphatic massage and it was a miracle – within a session it reduced and a few sessions cleared.

    I’m convinced that my healthy gf/df lifestyle and never eating all that glucola ingredients set my system off providing a false initial borderline reading and then becoming toxic in the 2nd dose. If ever was pregnant again (at 42!) would do the blood sugar testing for sure. I so wish providers and patients were more informed about what they ask pregnant women to ingest. Thanks.

  8. Correct! Metformin should not be taken because it does crosses the placenta! I was put on insulin! I wonder why your Doctor did that!

  9. Anyone who needs natural guidance on gestational diabetes would be wise to read “Real Food for Gestational Diabetes” by Lily Nichols. Also, I highly recommend her book “Real Food for Pregnancy” to ANYONE who’s pregnant or planning to someday become pregnant.

    • Thank you! I was hoping someone would make a book suggestion that’s actually reliable. I will check it out.

  10. Hi there! I was diagnosed 10 day ago with GD (4th pregnancy, 1st time with GD). My sugars are testing just fine 4x a day with a controlled diet; thankfully!!! However I have a high amount of ketones in my urine. *Sigh* Any recommendations how to control that?

    • Tanya,

      Over the many years of working with pregnant mothers, I have found that ketones clearly indicate the ratio of food to water is insufficient. What this basically means is mom isn’t getting enough food and water mixture that allows the body to function properly. When I bring this up, most moms will say they hadn’t eaten much that day thus the body is lacking both enough fuel to keep the body going and water. Keeping a food log and water consumption amount will really help you see what you are getting as far as amounts. This situation can be generally turned around by just eating more protein/vegetables and staying away from those carbs that us women seem to be drawn to. A good tip is to eat enough protein to fill the palm of your hand at least 3 times a day. Every time you urinate, remember to fill up the tank and drink water to you can replace what you just lost. The amniotic fluid needs to be replaced with good fresh water that you consume. Your baby is depending on you and what you feed it daily.

      The kidneys have a lot of extra duty put upon them during pregnancy,; therefore it is critical to drink the water needed in order to help them function at an optimum level. Diet is a key to a good, healthy pregnancy along with a positive attitude and keeping our hard drive (mind) filled with happy pleasant thoughts.

      Hope this helps. It has done so for many mothers I know and serve.

  11. This isn’t entirely accurate and it’s def not helpful. If you want to avoid the glucose test I would suggest taking your fasting(the article fails to mention the significance of this) levels, 1 hour after breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast, 1 hour after lunch, 2 hours after lunch and 1 hour, 2 hours after dinner for a week. The advice for natural remedies is what you’re likely going to be told by your doctor. It can be diet controlled but some will need medications and insulin. I haven’t found alternatives to those things.

  12. Recent research has shown that the hemoglobin A1C test is not a good way to test for gestational diabetes. (I have had type 1 diabetes for the last 10 years and I’ve had this A1C test drawn every 3 months in that so I am very familiar with the test and its limitations). The results of an A1C test are going to be artificially lower during pregnancy due to increased blood volume. Furthermore mothers tend to have lower than usual glucose levels in the first trimester. As an insulin-dependent diabetic I am very aware of this when I am pregnant–my body requires dramatically less insulin. insulin resistance does not typically start until sometime in the second trimester. However be hemoglobin A1C test looks at your average blood sugar over the previous three months of time (technically it looks at what percentage of your hemoglobin is glycated but that percentage corresponds to an estimated average blood sugarlr. That means it is going to be taking into account the months of your pregnancy in which you were more insulin sensitive and it is not going to tell you very much about your current level of insulin resistance. The A1C test also does not tell you anything about your post-meal blood sugars, and those in particular are critical with gestational diabetes. Even in patients with pre-existing diabetes, the A1C test can also be flawed since you can swing wildly from low blood sugars to high blood sugars and still come out with a “good” average–even though your level of control would not at all be considered good. unfortunately diabetes is a condition that is misunderstood even by people who come into contact with it quite a bit professionally, and most midwives and Obstetricians are not actually trained in the finer points of it, which is sometimes why you see providers offering the A1C test as an alternative to glucola. Unfortunately it’s just not an evidence-based alternative. However the other things mamanatural describes in this post are great alternatives. overall this is a well-written and informative piece on gestational diabetes otherwise! Excellent!

  13. I have GD with first preg and on the fence with second. I have historty of PCOS, so not a surpise but akways right on the edge of the GTT. Both times control with paleo type diet. The three hour glucosamine test is horrible for me. But with BG testing multiple times a day able to decline the second test. I have met with the diabetic nutrition councelor and they are not always thrilled with the idea of paleo carb restriction and wanted a significant carb increase via whole grains. Yuck. Ugh. You must know your body and be your own advocate. Know your research. Do what is right for your body and baby.

  14. Visit their website www . naturalherbalgardens .com I am thankful to nature

  15. I was diabetic for 13 years and was taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily. Last A1C was 750. My symptoms have always been stomach and bowels. I am a 54 year old male. the metformin wasn’t really working so this year, our family doctor started me on Natural Herbal Gardens Diabetes Disease Herbal mixture, With the help of Natural Herbal Garden natural herbs I have been able to reverse my symptoms using herbs, my symptoms totally declined over a 7 weeks use of the Natural Herbal Gardens Diabetes disease natural herbal formula. My diabetes is totally reversed! Visit their website

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