There are many ways to detox each day, but did you know that a carrot a day can actually help keep bad bacteria, night sweats, acne, and PMS at bay? YES—seriously! And now you can do all of this with this delicious daily detox salad.

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But before I share the recipe, let me give you the full backstory.

For years, I’ve instinctively eaten a few carrots every afternoon. Usually I do so as I am preparing dinner, since I tend to get hungry at this time of day, but don’t want to eat anything that will ruin my main meal.

Carrots are a great choice for me for a variety of reasons. I love their sweet crunch and sometimes I even dip them in mustard for a little added flavor boost.

Fast-forward many years, and I started working with a healthcare practitioner who recommends eating a carrot 1 to 2 times a day, particularly in our follicular phase (the time just before ovulation).

Why, you ask?

Health Benefits of Carrots

Well, it turns out raw carrots contain unique fibers that bind toxins, particularly excess estrogen, in our intestines while not feeding unhealthy bacteria (similar to what a charcoal supplement would do.)

One study showed that daily consumption of a raw carrot at breakfast for three weeks reduced serum cholesterol by 11 percent, increased fecal bile acid and fat excretion by 50 percent, and modestly increased stool weight by 25 percent. This suggests a [positive] change in bacterial flora or metabolism. The changes in serum cholesterol, fecal bile acids, and fat persisted three weeks after stopping treatment.” – Am J Clin Nutr September 1979 vol. 32 no. 9 1889-1892. The effect of raw carrot on serum lipids and colon function.

Additionally, Dr. Ray Peat found women reduced their problematic estrogen levels by the daily consumption of one medium size carrot. Less estrogen generally means less inflammation and liver stress, and better thyroid health.

I’m loving such a cheap, easy, and tasty remedy!

Here’s a luscious little salad that you can make to enjoy your daily carrot intake. (If you don’t have time to make the whole recipe, I recommend just eating a raw carrot. It’s so great for your overall health.

Daily Detox Carrot Salad Recipe


  • 1 medium organic carrot
  • 1 tsp. raw coconut or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp. raw honey (optional)
  • Sea salt to taste


  1. Wash the carrot well. Do not peel it though—there are great nutrients in the peel! Grate lengthwise with a grater.
  2. Add oil, vinegar, and salt to the grated carrots.
  3. Mix and enjoy the carrot salad DAILY for the most nutritional benefits!

If you’re sensitive to beta carotene (i.e. your hands turn orange when you eat foods with this nutrient in it), rinse the shredded carrot till the water runs clear before adding the salt and the dressing.

How About You?

What natural remedies help YOU ease hormonal issues?

I’m always looking for new ideas—especially when it comes to healthy and beneficial meals. I’d love to hear all about what you whip up in the kitchen. Share in the comment section below.