What’s your breastfeeding IQ? Take the quiz and find out instantly! Are you the newbie to the boobie, or the breast in class?
What’s your breastfeeding IQ? Take the breastfeeding quiz and find out instantly! Are you the newbie to the boobie, or the breast in class? Answers these questions to find out now.
What’s Your Breastfeeding IQ?
Want to Learn More About Breastfeeding?
Here’s a cheat sheet that includes a more comprehensive look at some of the facts in this fun breastfeeding quiz:
Every U.S. state has laws that protect a mother’s right to nurse her child in public…
True! All U.S. states have laws to protect a mother’s right to nurse in public. Yahoo! Learn more about breastfeeding in public.
Each of breast typically produces…
A different amount of milk. Because each breast typically has different amounts of milk-making tissue and different sized milk ducts, one breast often naturally produces more than the other. Plus, some babies simply prefer one side over the other. (source)
Star athlete Michael Jordan was breastfed until…
He was three years old! His mother, Deloris Jordan, has been quoted as saying, “I feel this is why he is the athlete he is.”
Breastfeeding can save a family…
Over $1,200 in formula-related expenses during a baby’s first year. (source)
Newly expressed breast milk can be left out for…
Up to eight hours at room temperature.
It’s best to refrigerate or freeze milk right away, but sometimes that’s just not possible. Luckily, breast milk is a live food that can stay at room temperature for up to eight hours. Learn more about how long breast milk can sit out.
Bigger boobs…
Do not necessarily produce more milk. The size of your breasts is determined by the amount of fatty tissue they contain, whereas milk is produced in the mammary glands that are present in all women’s breasts, regardless of size.
Breastfed babies have a reduced risk of…
Allergies, diarrhea, and ear infections! Studies prove breastfed infants are less likely to develop allergies (source), have fewer ear infections (source), and experience fewer bouts of diarrhea (source).
On average, breastfeeding moms get…
More sleep, since the feedings are quicker. Believe it or not, breastfeeding mamas get 45 minutes more sleep on average than mothers who formula feed. (source)
A normal poop for a breastfed baby looks…
Yellow and seedy. A breastfed baby’s normal poop will be bright or mustard yellow, loose and, at times, grainy or seedy. Those little “seeds” are undigested milk fat. Learn more about baby poop.
On average, a nipple has…
Five to 10 milk openings! The average nipple has nine openings, although some can have up to 18! (source)
In the first few days after birth, you produce a special kind of milk called…
Colostrum. This special gold milk is the perfect first food for baby—easy to digest and highly concentrated in special nutrients and antibodies. Learn more about colostrum.
Breastfeeding moms burn…
Up to 500 extra calories per day. Exclusively breastfeeding mamas need up to 500 more calories per day. That’s the equivalent of jogging for an hour!
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