Birth Stories

Working Out Faithfully Helped Melody Achieve Home Water Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was cooking supper for my husband and three other children and realized I had to stop every 2 or 3 minutes to bend over and breathe through each contraction. And I couldn't eat any of the yummy supper I just prepared because of strong contractions. My husband asked if I was going to call the midwife and I said after I get the kids fed and kitchen cleaned up! When it's your fourth baby, priorities are different. ? I cleaned up extra fast, called the midwife, and she arrived as my family was just finishing supper, perfect timing! Didn't take long. By 7:30 Eliana Grace was born!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Eliana was in a posterior position so I had a lot of painful back labor . But I didn't lay down ... Instead I walked up and down the stairs for 45 minutes, pausing to breathe through every couple minutes for contractions. Once I started feeling all the pain in the front and not in my back any longer, the midwife checked and sure enough baby had turned anterior and was in perfect position for birth so I got into the pool quickly and breathed through a few more contractions. I thought I had a little while to go but the midwife said her head is coming, so I pushed through two contractions and she was born into my husband's hands in the water. The most pain I had was pushing her head out, but I breathed quietly and concentrated on the downward pressure and opening slowly. No tearing!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I worked out faithfully each week of pregnancy until the delivery, which helped immensely when I would squat for contractions, as my muscles were already strong and used to this position/movement.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I couldn't believe shortly after getting in the water that it was already time to push. I thought it would take longer and I was expecting unbearable contractions but I was just breathing with my eyes closed and upright on my knees and all of a sudden her head was right there and I needed to push.

  • Practice relaxation techniques, workout to be ready and strong for giving birth. Think of contractions as good, because they bring your baby down, rather than painful.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Being active through contractions helped immensely. Stairs, deep squats, rocking my hips, etc. Counter pressure on my back was wonderful for contractions. A Tens machine helped during back labor. The best was the warm water. I didn't find the pain nearly as intense as my first two babies. Lots of relaxed breathing to keep me from screaming or yelling.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Upright on my knees in the pool, my husband right behind me to catch the baby.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    So much rejoicing and love and relief (I had been very sick during this pregnancy)! She didn't cry, just wanted to be close to me and latched on quickly to breastfeed.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Practice relaxation techniques, workout to be ready and strong for giving birth. Think of contractions as good, because they bring your baby down, rather than painful.

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