When did you realize you were really in labor?
At 10pm after I had a big gush from my water slowing leaking. It had been leaking all day, but it was so little I thought I was peeing my pants, hah!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Probably the mental challenges, keeping relaxed and confident.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I was very physically active, walking and doing squats daily. I also did a little bit of hypnobabies, which gave me great relaxation tools.
What surprised you about your birth?
Probably how the relaxation techniques help so much and made my labor fast and manageable. I was present and able to tell myself to relax and open.
Be confident in your ability to birth your baby. And work hard through pregnancy! Be as active as you can, staying strong and open for labor.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Moving around a lot during labor! Standing and leaning over a table helped a lot. Talking out loud, saying "peace and relaxation" and telling myself "I CAN do this!"
What position did you end up delivering in?
In a birth tub, on my knees leaning over the side of the tub.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Unbelievable! I kept saying "he's real, he's real" because it was such a shock holding a real person outside the womb.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Be confident in your ability to birth your baby. And work hard through pregnancy! Be as active as you can, staying strong and open for labor. My first baby I didnt do any of the "stuff" and had a hard labor but my second I did all the things Genevieve recommends and it worked!