When did you realize you were really in labor?
I woke up at 1am on a Sunday night with contractions. I just knew it was labor. It felt like menstrual cramps but they never went away.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I was in early labor for 48 hours and active labor for 12, the most challenging thing was I had no pain relief at any point so that I could sleep. I was so exhausted by time I hit active labor that it was pretty rough to get through simply because I needed sleep!
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I took hypnobirthing classes and listened to positive birth stories. It helped me go into labor without fear. I also stopped letting people tell me their “horror” stories, instead I told them I didn’t want to hear anything until after my own birth.
What surprised you about your birth?
How long it took! I never heard of anyone with a 60 hour labor. But also I was surprised how the babies heart rate stayed great the entire time even though such a long event. Also I can’t believe what having some self compassion when you speak to yourself during labor and taking one contraction at a time can do. It can take you really far.
Don’t be afraid to be vocal during labor - making sounds helps ALOT. The unknown is scary but our bodies are meant to do this and you CAN do it. ;)
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Hot water- the tub or shower. Also when I’d get a contraction the midwives did this thing where they squeezed my hips with their palms and it helped A LOT.
What position did you end up delivering in?
In the tub, sitting on my partners lap with my legs up in the air. Not sure what that official position is called lol!
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Like it wasn’t real life... I didn’t even know what to think. Its a very overwhelming experience. I was amazed this beautiful human came out of my body! Shock and amazement would be the best way to describe.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Look into hypnobirthing and breathing techniques. Don’t be afraid to be vocal during labor - making sounds helps ALOT. Also heat, in any form, especially water is very helpful. And don’t go into labor afraid!! The unknown is scary but our bodies are meant to do this and you CAN do it. ;)