When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had prodromal labor, where my contractions started and stopped, for 12 days. This time period was pretty nerve wracking, because every night I would think "ok THIS is it!". Hours later the contractions would stop. On day 12, my midwife broke my water. About an hour later the contractions got much more intense and I had to really focus on consciously relaxing my entire body and breathing through the wave. Then, I knew things were starting up for real.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
For both of my natural births, I hit this point where I feel like I can't possibly possess the strength to go forward. But by then it's far too late to have any other choice. It's then I know that I'm in transition and baby will be here soon. But that last bit from transition to birth is super intense.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
2 things: 1) I took a Hypnobabies class, which really gave me the tools I needed to help relax into this experience more fully. 2) I hired a Hypnobabies doula to attend the birth. My husband is amazing, but we both realize the energy I need during birth is something softer and more feminine than what he can offer. My doula provided this steady, soft, nurturing energy that was exactly what I needed.
What surprised you about your birth?
How positive and quick it was! My first birth was really traumatic, so my focus leading up to this birth was really telling myself this time would be unique. The things that happened last time weren't guaranteed to happen, and this could be its own beautiful and different experience.
Take some sort of childbirth technique class! Learn tools to help you cope. I didn't do this for my first, and I feel this made all the difference the second time around.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Meditation, hypnosis, repeating positive mantras, sitting in the birthing tub
What position did you end up delivering in?
Side lying
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I just cried. It was amazing. The birth was short, but very intense, so I just felt this overwhelming relief and love.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Take some sort of childbirth technique class! Learn tools to help you cope. I didn't do this for my first, and I feel this made all the difference the second time around.