When did you realize you were really in labor?
I woke up at 4AM and felt pressure but I went back to sleep. That afternoon I started having contractions but I was surety would stop. I kept ignoring them and cleaned my house and continued my day as normal but the contractions kept picking up. I figured they would stop so I never timed them. Around 8 PM I ate dinner which I proceeded to throw up and shortly thereafter I lost my mucus plug so I figured I was in labor but I still thought it would be a while.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging thing is keeping a positive mindset and attitude. Everyone wants to tell you all the horrible things they have experienced or how it went for them. You really have to be careful about who you say what to so you don't have to deal with everyone else's fear and negativity. Through out my whole pregnancy I was very careful about telling people what my birth plan was. Even some family I had to be very brief with because I knew they would tell me their opinion and I just had to follow my heart and do what I felt was best even.
Simone’s natural water child birth story
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I would say a natural birth class is a must! I also read super natural child birth and wrote out confessions and recorded myself saying them giving time to repeat them. I had my confessions for conception, over the babies development, during pregnancy, delivery, peace (rebuking fear) and Pslam 91 and 103. I think the combination of the birth class, confessions and listening to Super Natural Child Birth was a big key to having the right mindset. I think ultimately the correct mindset it huge. If you have doubts or fears it will hinder your childbirth.
What surprised you about your birth?
The most surprising thing was that I was actually in labor! I was a week early and in total denial. I was convinced my contractions would stop. Until my water broke I was convinced it would stop and I'd have her the following week. After my water broke all I could say was "Oh my God!" for about 5 minutes. My husband was rushing me to get into the car but I was in so much shock she was coming and very soon I has lost all sense of reason.
The most surprising thing was that I was actually in labor! I was a week early and in total denial.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Taking a bath was super nice and also counter pressure our doula taught my husband. Laying down was the worst, most uncomfortable thing! I wanted to be up moving and walking. I gave birth in the tub which I loved and recommend to anyone. I didn't get in the tub until I was ready to push. I had essential oils ready and a rebozo close by but my husband was out when my labor started and my mother in law was there with me. She kept asking me what can I do but I couldn't think straight to tell her what to do. When my husband came in he started doing counter pressure and that was just what I needed.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was laying down in the tub and had a water birth.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was incredible! It was the most surreal experience! I couldn't believe she was here! I was in total shock....but in a good way. I felt so in love with this precious gift from heaven. Looking back holding my baby for the first time is one the of biggest high lights of my life. So far nothing else has ever compared and I'm not sure anything can.
How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?
I wanted to believe God for a supernatural childbirth but I also know things can happen that are out of your control. Going through everything, the good, bad and ugly and having knowledge of what to do in those situations was so empowering! I felt so encouraged, prepared and equipped mentally, physically and emotional. I got to go to a birth class at a birthing center with a friend and I didn't feel empowered at all! The class goes over everything you need to know but helps you feel good about your decisions in an empowering and encouraging way. I felt so educated and informed. The midwives kept saying how we made their job so easy. They said whatever classes we did worked because we were so calm and so prepared. My mom who is a RN kept commenting on how I had so much knowledge that I knew more than she did and she's had three kids. She kept saying there was nothing like this when I had you kids.