Birth Stories

Reading, Watching Birth Videos And Classes Helped Bethany During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had three more days to go until my baby's due date when my water broke promptly after getting myself settled in bed. Just when I was getting comfortable. I waited to see if the contractions would start but after six hours there were no contractions. I had called the birth center and they said they would test if the fluid leak was in fact amniotic fluid. I was promptly given a castor oil cocktail when the strip tested positive. The midwife sent me home and told me to call her when my contractions were four minutes apart for one hour. After experiencing intense bowel movements which alleviated the last six months of constipation, my contractions finally began...but only for a few hours and then they just stopped. At this point my water broke 24 hours ago. My midwife called me in since I was risking infection. She then determined that my waters broke at the top of the fundus which is why I had not started contracting, so she manually broke my waters. I instantly went in to labor after that.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My labor was 19 hours and I was pushing for 6 of those hours. It felt like my pelvis was trying to stretch to accommodate for baby. I could feel him turn while in my pelvis. The hardest part about going natural was the length of time. I have never experienced pain like this before. It truly brings you to a primal state of mind. The second hardest part of labor was the ring of fire. It was a slow, torturous sting. I thought the midwife was doing something to help the delivery but she showed me her hands and reassured me she was not touching me.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Reading up on what to expect during childbirth and watching birth videos/classes on dvd were the most helpful in silencing all my fears.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was most surprised at how much I loved my little boy when they placed him on my chest. I worried that I would not feel anything for him when he came. It was such an incredible feeling. I also never knew how so many women could say their child was beautiful when they were blue and slimy. Now I know. They really are beautiful.

  • Read up on everything you can about the birthing process. And don't forget your breathing! When that first contraction hits you may be tempted to throw everything you learned out the window. Don't!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Hot showers and the exercise ball were my go-tos for pain relief.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I tried every position known to natural birthers everywhere and the only one that really worked was on my back, slightly side-lying, and pushing while holding on to a tug-of-war rope with the midwife.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    After six hours of pushing I hardly had any energy left to hold my baby, but somehow I managed. He cried the entire time I held him, a sweet, high-pitched squeal that only a mother could love. I loved it, but promptly gave him over to his grandparents when my husband walked in with a bacon cheeseburger.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Read up on everything you can about the birthing process. And don't forget your breathing! When that first contraction hits you may be tempted to throw everything you learned out the window. Don't! Also, one thing I didn't realize is that contractions don't come in this perfectly orchestrated countdown of 5min apart, and then 4 minutes apart. They are all over the place! Just be prepared. A+B does not always equal C.

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