When did you realize you were really in labor?
On my son's due date at 1:13 am I lost my mucus plug but didn't think much about it because I didn't think I had any contractions. Around the same time I had some sensations in my lower abdominal that I thought were digestion related so I went back to bed. The sensations I was having were contractions but I didn't know it yet. They continued throughout the morning and into the afternoon, and only when I was talking with my mom did I realize I was in labor. She was dropping off baby gifts when I shared that I was feeling mild cramping and excitedly timed the sensations to prove to me what they were. At 1:53 pm lo and behold the sensations were 10 minutes apart and at that point there was no arguing, I was in early labor. Since I planned to birth at home I was able to go for a walk, cook 2 meals up for the week ahead, and finish laundry until I could no longer focus on tasks. Within 3-4 hours all my attention shifted to the task of birthing my baby boy and he was born at 2:12 am the following morning.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging things about labor was that despite preparation, there was so much unknown as to what the experience would be like and the mental focus to stay positive and relaxed through contractions.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
My husband and I went through the pink kit which helped to prepare me physically and both of us mentally and emotionally. I read through Supernatural Childbirth and prayed everyday to prepare spiritually. God really provided for us.
What surprised you about your birth?
I was surprised at how tiring labor can be, yet how empowering birthing my son was to me. I felt every sensation of his birth, worked through the challenging parts with my husband coaching me, and cannot think of a happier moment in my life then that final push followed by holding my son for the first time.
Breathe, remain positive, utilize your support team or partner, keep fluids and calories up, and know it has the happiest ending of all time: your baby in your arms at last.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
The pink kit resources were invaluable. I learned physically the shape of my pelvis and how to best remain open and relaxed to birth my son. My husband and I learned how to best communicate with one another throughout labor, as well as breathing techniques and utilizing the positive thought process.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I delivered lying down on my left side with my husband supporting the weight of my right leg so I could remain open for our son.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was the most epic and euphoric moment. One second I'm working my hardest pushing with a contraction and the next I'm completely relaxed holding the most precious baby I've ever seen. Pure bliss.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Breathe, remain positive, utilize your support team or partner, keep fluids and calories up, and know it has the happiest ending of all time: your baby in your arms at last.