When did you realize you were really in labor?
I started having contractions at 10 pm but was a week past my due date and was due to be induced the following morning at 7 am. I didn’t want to acknowledge I was in labor because I thought it might end up being a fluke and end up being disappointed it wasn’t true labor.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I think it’s the fear of the pain. Once they start hurting a lot it’s easy for you to panic and start thinking it’ll never end or that you won’t be able to do it.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I read a lot of POSITIVE stories about natural birth and best case scenarios. I think it’s important to read positive stories because there’s so many scary stories and discouraging stories out there that it can affect your mindset. I prayed a lot and set my intentions In my heart that I wanted a natural birth and that I would be able to achieve it.
What surprised you about your birth?
How quickly it went when I relaxed in the pain. I started my labor at 10pm and delivered at 3 am after 2 pushes. My mom told me the key to a good labor is to relax in the pain. I know it sounds like it doesn’t make sense but it really is the truth. When a contraction would hit I would relax my whole body into the contraction. My mantra was to “lean into it” or to “melt into it”.
My mom told me the key to a good labor is to relax in the pain. I know it sounds like it doesn’t make sense but it really is the truth.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I stood in the shower a lot and listened to worship music. I think the music helped me be distracted and the hot water helped relax my muscles and ease some of the pain.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It felt amazing like a dream I couldn’t believe my labor was over and I was finally holding my baby.
What did you name your baby, and why?
I named my baby Journey because it was definitely a journey from my pregnancy to everything going on in my life. I felt like it was fitting for the time in our lives and for our baby.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
That you can do it! That you shouldn’t let anyone talk you out of it and to really mentally prepare. It felt like it was 80% mindset and 20% physical. If you make up your mind that, that’s your plan then you’ll be able to do it.