Birth Stories

Reading HypnoBirthing By Marie Mongan And Doing Prenatal Yoga Helped Samantha During Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was at work, early afternoon when I began having some contractions. It was still three weeks from my due date, so I assumed these were just Braxton Hicks. But they never stopped.

    I got my daughters home from daycare, had dinner, and went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I went to the living room and rolled around on my birthing ball for a while. Around 2 AM, I looked down to my belly and told my child, "I'm so excited to meet you. But if you need more time there and want to wait, I understand." By 4 AM, my contractions were a bit stronger and only 20 minutes apart. It was then that I was convinced this was the real deal!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    When I very first got to the hospital, the contractions became more intense. I texted a friend who was an RN/lactation consultant and told her I was afraid I couldn't do it. She responded, "You can do this. Your strength renews with every contraction." Her affirmation had a huge impact on my confidence.

  • parents-looking-at-newborn-baby
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read HypnoBirthing by Marie Mongan four times during my third trimester! It really helped the message sink in and allowed me to change my relationship with the birthing experience. I fell asleep to her guided relaxation every night.

    In addition, I did prenatal yoga starting at the end of my first trimester. Yoga has had a huge impact on my ability to stay calm in the face of challenging situations.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised by just how empowering my third birth was. I like to say that my first two births happened to me, but I "did" my third birth.

  • You can do this! Make the choice early on and make sure you do prep beforehand. Hypnobirthing and prenatal yoga made a huge difference in my birthing experience. If you want more tips on birthing, breastfeeding, or life with a new baby, I'd love to connect with you at
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I listened to Marie Mongan's guided relaxation on loop during my birth. In addition, I focused on slow, steady breathing and keeping the space between my eyebrows relaxed during each contraction. If I could focus on that one pinpointed spot of my body, it helped me breathe through my contractions.

    In addition, I was able to move around to assist my birth! My baby was nearly transverse, and his head was behind my left hip for most of labor. My nurse told me to get up onto my knees and face the back of the birthing bed. I did that, and I felt my baby change positions and lock into place in the birthing canal. I immediately went into transition, and nine minutes later, he was born!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was incredible! I did not find out the sex of this third child, so it was so magical to finally see that he was a little boy and to meet this little person I had waited on for so long. He latched to my breast soon after birth, and we had a beautiful time together.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    His name is Jameson Dean. My husband's best friend is named Jameson (but goes by Jamey) and we always liked that name. And I know it is silly, but Dean comes from the character on Supernatural. We just always thought that was a really cool, strong name!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do this! Make the choice early on and make sure you do prep beforehand. Hypnobirthing and prenatal yoga made a huge difference in my birthing experience. If you want more tips on birthing, breastfeeding, or life with a new baby, I'd love to connect with you at

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