Birth Stories

Reading Books and Birth Stories Helped Heather During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was a Thursday evening, around 6:15pm my waters broke while I was sitting on the bed after deep cleaning the bathroom, I had been nesting all day.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing was not being able to give birth. My first boy was a c-section, I had known I wanted a natural birth but didn't know how easily the doctors and nurses would push me into an unnecessary c-section. I knew I was going to have to fight and do my research if I wanted #2 to be a VBAC.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I searched for a midwife that had the same ideals on birth as me. I read books, and birth stories. I got my home ready for the home water birth. I pictured the big day/days I told myself I could do this. I was made for this. I wanted my body to come full circle in what it was created for. I wanted to grow, BIRTH nurse and nurture my baby #2. I had no doubt I could handle whatever pain I would go through because I know my body wouldn't create any pain it couldn't tolerate.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That it ended in another C-section. After my waters broke, I started to get contractions (something I never got with baby #1, except while on pictocin) they were light, so I called my midwife, she confirmed I was at the beginning stages for labor. So we decided to send our boy to his grandparents Incase things picked up in the night. My mood instantly changed as soon as baby #1 left, I became sad and despondent, and couldn't get over the fact that these were the last moments it will be just him. With that my contractions completely stopped. They would flutter on and off for 2 more days. In that time I saw a chiropractor who spent hours on me tiring to get my contractions strong and consistent...but nothing helped. I took 4 servings of castor oil suggested by my midwife, and they seemed to be giving me strong contractions, I has hopeful and eager for them. At that point I didn't care how much pain they would be I just want some contractions. But just like before nothing was happening. I never even dilated. So after 5 days of trying everything that we could think of, and with the suggestion by the midwife, with tears bellowing from my eyes, we made the choice to go to the hospital, with what is knew would be an ending to the natural birth we had prepared and planned on. And sure enough as soon as we got there within 20 minutes of getting into a room, I was visited by the doctor, she said "because of how things went with baby #1, there was nothing they could do. That my body was just the kind of body that can't give birth." A comment that haunts me. I just can't accept that. I know it can.

  • Listen to yourself. Know what you want for your birth. Read, watch movies, ask questions. Know your options.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The only thing that sooth me was the baby I held held in my arms.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I'm pretty cure c-sections are only given while on the back. :p

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    He was perfect. He was beautiful. He was warm and calm. I was so grateful and happy he was here.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Listen to yourself. Know what you want for your birth. Read, watch movies, ask questions. Know your options.

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