When did you realize you were really in labor?
After three weeks of preterm labor contractions, I woke up at 0700 with regular contractions, but finally they were intensifying and growing closer together. I called my ob and told him, and considering we had an hour drive to our hospital he requested I go ahead and make my way in.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
We did natural with both of our daughters, this time was the most challenging due to her size. My contractions were very intense, and I had horrible back labor. Every time I tried to move positions I began dry heaving uncontrollably and her heart rate began to rapidly drop, the only way I was comfortable was in a sitting upright position leaning into my husband whole he hugged me and did counter pressure into my lower back.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I make a list of bible verses and prayers. I read the hypnobirthing book. However ideally it came down to having my amazingly supportive husband by my side, reading bible verses and praying over the baby and me throughout the entire labor and delivery. As well as leading up to. He would just remind me why I was doing what I was doing and kept me in the zone.
What surprised you about your birth?
Our birth ended up as a shoulder dystocia. I only pushed for 10 minutes, but after her head delivered there was a 4 minute time lapse before her shoulders delivered. Her right shoulder got stuck, due to doing it completely unmedicated my ob did not want to reach in and break her clavicle due to the pain it would cause. I had 3 nurses on top of me trying to help maneuver her out, while I pushed with all my might. The good news is, I was able to feel the contractions and was able to push her out very quickly. However when she was born she was blue and lifeless. NICU had been called in before she was fully born. Her cord was immediately cut and she was whisked to the table and given oxygen. By the time I was was finally able to do kangaroo care and try to breastfeed her color was beginning to come back, but she was very out of it and lethargic still. Her arm was completely limp for the first few weeks, but the brachial nerve damage healed with some chiropractic care and time and at 11 weeks, she has 100% mobility in her arm now, and is completely healthy.... oh the reason she got stuck... I am 5'4" and she was 9lbs 14oz. My ob said that he was just relieved that I have hips made for birthing babies!
After a natural birth you feel totally empowered and incredible. You have now done what women have been doing for centuries. You can do this, trust your instincts and stay strong. You got this momma!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
For me, having my husband with me to pray over and read me bible verses. When I would start losing my focus during transition he would tap my shoulder a few times and whisper in my ear while he did counter pressure and just reminded me that we were close and that I was doing great. Having him as my focus and prayer warrior is exactly what I needed during my labor. He is my rock!
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was in a sitting up position to begin, but when she got stuck they dropped the bed quickly so the nurses and doctor could work to get her out in the most timely manner.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I was a but scary this time. She was hooked up to pulse monitors, and we had to keep her arm in a sling position due to the trauma. I was relieved she was breathing, alive and well. She looked just like her sister, only bigger with dark hair. She was gorgeous, and alive. No other feeling but hope and relief!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Remember that your birth "plan" doesn't always go as planned. Labor is called labor for a reason, it is HARD work. In the end, after a natural birth you feel totally empowered and incredible. You have now done what women have been doing for centuries. You can do this, trust your instincts and stay strong. You got this momma!!