Birth Stories

Reading About Different Childbirth Stories Helped Christie During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After hours of being induced with medication, I began to feel strong pressure happening more frequently. At that point, I focused on breathing to get me through the pain.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The fear of the unknown was hard for me. In the back of my mind, I was nervous that I wasn't going to be able to go natural. However, I was wrong!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Read about different childbirth stories and understand that every pregnancy is truly different. It's not like you see in the movies. Understanding the possible challenges that I might face during labor out my mind at ease.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fast it all happened once active labor started. According to the nurses and doctors, I was "a great pusher" which really surprised me since it was my first time.

  • You can do it! You'll be super proud of yourself and learn that women are superhuman!!!!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?


  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Lying down.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal, just magical!!!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do it! You'll be super proud of yourself and learn that women are superhuman!!!!

Learn to have an amazing birth

(without leaving your couch)

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