When did you realize you were really in labor?
I realized I was in labor once I could not sleep & could no longer time my contractions or ignore them!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging thing about going natural was sense of lost control, which I now realize isn't a bad thing to lose your ego. & what I mean by lost control is, I could not control when or how long contractions or pushing would be, which frightened me. Once I let loose and let my body control itself, I learned that may have been the best part about going natural.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
The most helpful thing I did to prepare was positive mantras! Despite the millions of hours spent on researching what to do and what not to do and all of the home birth videos I watched, the positive mantras such as "I am calm. I am strong. I trust my body. I trust this process" were the most helpful! I manifested that every single day by hanging up notes on my mirrors with these mantras. They really helped to be repeated during pushing.
What surprised you about your birth?
What surprised me honestly is that I DID IT!! Although none of us should be surprised at how powerful we are, I was! I still am! It's a very empowering feeling!
TRUST YOURSELF. Trust your body, trust this process & know that you ARE built for this! You soften, you open and you release! Never listen to negativity from others who may not agree with your choices. You have a whole team of natural mama's cheering you on!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Using my yoga (birth) ball helped tremendously. Walking around the house, bending over, listening to my body's positions worked absolutely the best. Telling myself it is temporary helped so much!
What position did you end up delivering in?
I ended up getting out of my birth pool and delivering sideways on my bed. I was back and forth between my back and going on my side! Eventually my side felt best :)
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I cannot even explain how it felt to hold my baby, Ace. Seeing him was life changing....Holding him felt right, natural and relieving!!!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
My best advice is to TRUST YOURSELF. Trust your body, trust this process & know that you ARE built for this! You soften, you open and you release! Never listen to negativity from others who may not agree with your choices. You have a whole team of natural mama's cheering you on!