Birth Stories

Preparing Herself Mentally to Surrender to God's Design Helped Leah During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    The day before Lylah's birth, I felt like I had drank a whole pitcher of coffee and had restless energy surging through me. I had random stronger contractions than my previous prodromal labor in the weeks before and we walked around IKEA to get curtains for our birthing space. That night I rolled over in bed at 12:25am and felt a gush. This was my 6th birth and the first time my water broke before labor started (I've had 2 caul births previously even!). Contractions stayed mild and I dozed off and on for my birthing day ahead. Finally by around noon contractions got closer and stronger and it was gearing up for game time! Although, it took much longer to progress than I expected.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    This was my 6th birth, and my 4th natural birth. The most challenging part was as labor progressed and things intensified, I knew what was ahead and was fighting fear the whole time. It wasn't until I cried and released emotions, surrendering to the process and the task ahead that my body really moved forward and I had a baby within an hour.

  • Breathing-Baby-Down
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    This wasn't my first rodeo so I knew what to expect physically and how to prepare, but I spent the weeks before preparing myself mentally to surrender to God's design, trusting His timing and how this birth would play out. I surrounded myself with birth affirmations, Bible verses, and especially loved The Heavenly Welcome's class and birthing CD affirmations.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised how different this birth was compared to my others! It was my first that I didn't go over my due date, I didn't have to induce in some way (I've used castor oil or pitocin in the past), and the first for my water to break on it's own before labor. It was amazing to experience another variation of normal and see that my body CAN go into labor on its own!

  • It's not just a physical journey but a mental and spiritual one as well. I LOVE that about birth! I find that I discover so much about myself in the weeks leading up to birth and within the birthing experience
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I love water for labor! Unfortunately this time every time I got into the water my contractions would stop, so I wasn't able to use it until transition hit and just in time for her birth. I mainly utilized my doula and husband this time for pain relief, either swaying with my husband or my doula applying counter pressure on my back. Their words of encouragement were probably THE best though simply to keep my mindset in a positive place and that I was doing great even if I didn't feel like it.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I wanted to birth on all fours again, like my 5th birth that was my easiest dream birth, but it felt wrong this time. My hands and legs felt tingly so upon instinct I flipped over to a side lying semi-reclined position in my bath tub. It gave my birth photographer a good clear view though and I was easily able to guide her out with my own hands.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Pure relief. She was my biggest baby at 8 pounds 11 ounces (I'm only 4 foot 11 inches!) and so pushing her out was one of my hardest and most intense ones out of my 6. It took more work to get her down and out, but I pushed through knowing relief was near and surprisingly calmly once I watched the video! I didn't feel calm inside but outside I was peaceful and focused. I normally have a "birth high" that follows, but with Lylah it was just relief that it was over and she was in my arms. My birth high hit a week later once I had processed my birth and released some emotions of the expectations I had going into my birth that wasn't met. That was another surprising thing different than my past births, I needed to process her birth and arrival to feel that extreme thrill of oxytocin.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    It's not just a physical journey but a mental and spiritual one as well. I LOVE that about birth! I find that I discover so much about myself in the weeks leading up to birth and within the birthing experience. Prepare for that as well, along with the physical aspects like walking, eating dates, bouncing on a yoga ball, etc. Half the battle (if not more) is mentally preparing and encouraging yourself to do this marathon ahead. Doulas make such a difference in being a person to keep that momentum going in labor! And it's so, so worth it on the other side. That birth high is amazing :-)

    You can read my birth story with Lylah here and see more pictures (and birth video!):

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