When did you realize you were really in labor?
I started out with prodromal labor in the morning with lighter, infrequent contractions, but started timing them at 8:30pm when they started getting stronger and more frequent.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Everything was pretty textbook until I was fully dialated - then, baby turned and was stuck above my pelvis. Without any pain medication, options were limited on what we could do except for changing positions in hopes of her flipping - which eventually worked (Praise the Lord - and my Doula!).
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Preparation, having a supportive birth team and prayer! Regular prenatal yoga and chiropractic care gave my body the space it needed for her to turn. Forming a supportive team of a natural-minded doctor and hospital, a Doula and my husband and mother in the delivery room were key to allowing me to have the birth experience I wanted. And most importantly, PRAYER throughout the pregnancy and to get you through the times during labor when you inevitably think you can't.
What surprised you about your birth?
How much of a profound impact a natural birth had on our baby. She was so amazingly alert and latched within 20 minutes of birth. Also, generally how amazing the body is - how everything is purposeful and works in unison to bring your baby into the world. Trust it, love it and embrace it. I will absolutely do it the same way next time!
Commit, prepare and let go. It truly is like a marathon and requires training - mentally, spiritually and physically. Have faith that every part of the process is purposeful and working for you to bring your baby to you. Moms are so amazing - any way your baby arrives, is just magical. Kick ass, Mama!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Low humming, hip squeezes and laboring in the tub.
What position did you end up delivering in?
On my back, which I didn't plan on, but I was pretty darn exhausted by that point, I just went with the flow.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Euphoric. Like the greatest accomplishment of my entire life.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Commit, prepare and let go. It truly is like a marathon and requires training - mentally, spiritually and physically. Have faith that every part of the process is purposeful and working for you to bring your baby to you. Moms are so amazing - any way your baby arrives, is just magical. Kick ass, Mama!