Birth Stories

Praying Without Ceasing Helped Priscilla During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was in labor on January 22, 2016, we were due to be hit with winter storm Jonas. I had actually gone to the hospital on that morning for a scheduled non-stress test since I was overdue. Coincidentally, I had been experiencing erratic Braxton Hicks for 2 days and It was during my non-stress test that my contractions started to become closer together and consistent, coming every 5-6 minutes. When I switched over to labor and delivery to be checked by the midwife, I was only dialated 2 cm and the baby did not drop low enough. The midwife advised my mother and I to walk around the hospital for an hour and to come back then. My mother and I were so worried that I would be sent home, however we prayed the entire hour walk and boy did that do the trick. It was during this walk that my contractions became stronger than ever before and coming at a rate of every 2-3 minutes. When I couldn't take it any longer we went back to the midwife and it was official! I was 4 cm dialated, baby dropped, and i was officially in labor!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing about it, in my case, I had been having trouble breathing. I was trying to use some breathing techniques I had gotten from a midwife, but my issue was that I just wasn't breathing at all during my contractions. I kept trying, but it got to the point where my pain was too much and I needed to breathe, so I ultimately opted for the epidural. I did feel guilty at first, but then I realized there was no reason to. It was my labor and I could do what I want. Nobody would judge me. I'll not forget to mention the fact I was all alone in my delivery room for a few hours with the occasional nurse stopping in (my mother had left to go home before the storm and was unsure if she'd make it back), and my loneliness may have played a part in amplifying my pain, since it was the only thing that had my attention. Being a single, first time mother, all alone, and in labor was not easy.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Drinking red raspberry leaf tea during the pregnancy and praying without ceasing! It was Jesus that got me through it all and He had His hand on me through and through. The red raspberry leaf tea helped tone my uterus in preparation for pushing. My pushes were strong. though my L&D team did look at me like I was nuts when I mentioned the tea...

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised how fast it all went! I was in labor for about 9 hours total. And only 1 hour of those 9 was spent pushing. I couldn't believe how strong I was! Even when the epidural was wearing off and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't allow myself to stop. I just channeled my inner cave woman and I trusted my body to do what was right. I never felt so empowered and looking at my now one month postpartum body, I am so proud of it.

  • Do it! Do it however you want and don't let anyone pressure you into doing or not doing something. You have the right to make choices about your own birth, but try to be flexible and open minded as well because births don't always go as planned.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My physical pain was relieved with the epidural and my emotional pain was relieved when my mom came back to the hospital during the blizzard with a packed bag in hand. Mommys heal anything.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was slightly reclined and had my knees bent with my chin to my chest,while pulling on these handlebars to help strengthen my pushes. I found it comfortable.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal. I could not believe he was mine and I could not believe how alert he was. I was so in awe of him. Holding him skin to skin was the absolute best experience. I felt as though I had entered into a new reality that was more vivid than what my life was like prior to that first moment where I held him. it was the start of an incredible bond.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do it! Do it however you want and don't let anyone pressure you into doing or not doing something. You have the right to make choices about your own birth, but try to be flexible and open minded as well because births don't always go as planned. Which brings me to this, if things don't go as planned, don't blame yourself and don't feel guilty because it's not your fault. The most important thing and only important thing is that mom and baby come out healthy and well.

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