Birth Stories

Prayer and Reading a Lot of Scripture Helped Faith During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was 1am. I was 41 weeks and 1 day. I knew these contractions were different. I stood up all night with labor poring until about 7 then they stopped around 11. I went to bed thinking and feeling discouraged. At 1pm they started again and this time we're not stopping.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I think the most challenging thing about going all natural is really your mind set! I have done an all natural birth with my son who was my VBAC. So this being my second vbac, I knew what was coming and feared it. I feel the way birth is portrayed today makes us all a little well a lot fearful.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Prayer! For me it was my way to open up and voice my fears and ask for strength. I also ready a lot of scripture and listen to a lot of up lifting worship music. Music about struggle and overcoming was the best thing! A lot of songs I listen to was about storms. And the waves. I related this to contractions. My waves would crash around but I told myself even before labor began. I was in the boat. And I was safe. Crazy as it sounds it helped!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Everything! When the contractions picked back up at 1pm I got in a zone around 3pm I smiled and every time I had a contraction. I thanked God for them. I knew each one was bringing my baby girl to me! So instead of tensing up. I relaxed my eyes, my shoulders, and my body allowing her to move down the way she needed to. I was only in active labor for 5 and a half hours. And pushed for 5 minutes. And my body did more of the pushing then I did! And I had no tearing. I was amazed overall with how calm I stood during transition. I just told my nurse and husband how I felt pushy and a little shaky. Talking about it helped ease my fears.

  • Stick away from negative triggers and know that your birth can be blissful and beautiful. I didn't know it was possible until this birth and it came to really just deciding each contraction: pick fear or be thankful. And each time I chose to be thankful.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The tub was amazing and feel it helped me relax to progress faster. I was only in the tub for less the 40 minutes. (Also showed up at the hospital at 7cm) but another thing would be, being very aware of the tension you are holding in shoulders hands legs face. Really all over. Once I noticed tension I would go limp and just breathe and smile. Sounds crazy but the smiling didn't make me tense up. It wasn't a cheese for a picture but just enough to smile and think about my baby kept me focused and relaxed

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on all fours. Holding on to the back of the hospital bed.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Magical!!! I have never been able to do skin to skin immediately after birth with my other two due to some things. So to turn around and have my baby girl place on my chest. I broke down and just told her how much I loved her. And was just in a shock. My birth was just all around beautiful.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Coming from a women who ran into the OR with her first pregnancy, because I was afraid of childbirth. I can say this now. You have nothing to fear. You are strong enough. My advice to you is to find your fears you have with childbirth. Talk them out with a friend, husband, God. Whoever! And start learning all you can about natural birth. Avoid your triggers. Anything that said "surviving" I would not read or any picture showing women in pain again. Stick away from negative triggers and know that your birth can be blissful and beautiful. I didn't know it was possible until this birth and it came to really just deciding each contraction: pick fear or be thankful. And each time I chose to be thankful.

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