When did you realize you were really in labor?
I don't know how long I denied being in labor. But I think I finally admitted "yes I'm in labor" 2 hours before I held my son for the first time. Prior to that, I didn't feel like this was "it." My birth was not a horrific event as people often describe: for me, it was nothing like that. i think that's why I didn't believe my baby was coming.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Actually getting to the hospital was challenging. My husband wanted a hospital birth. I wanted a home birth with a midwife. We compromised with a hospital birth with only a midwife present. I was not looking forward to having to leave the comfort of my home to go have this baby. But I did. And getting in the car and sitting with my legs spread as wide as possible was the longest car ride I have ever endured.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I practiced hypnobirthing. For those of you who are giving me crazy looks right now, I swear that this is what got me through any uncomfortable moment during labor. It felt like a piece of cake and I give all the credit to hypnobirthing. I didn't tell anyone but my husband that I was practicing because I knew I would get odd looks. And now, I rave about the success I had with it. I didn't start practicing until I was about 34 weeks pregnant . Every day I would listen to recordings that would guide me through meditation, body awareness, and birth affirmations . I didn't buy any fancy programs that are out there. I found a few free apps and used YouTube videos. During almost my entire labor (until pushing) I listened to birth affirmations over and over and over. I believe this is what helped me to have an out-of-body experience during labor. It was amazing.
What surprised you about your birth?
I was surprised at how my body just took over. I allowed my body to do what it needed to . It is utterly beautiful how natural labor is, if you let it. The natural instincts of labor are there for a reason, listen to them!
Listen to your body!!! I can not stress that enough. I believe every woman is capable of knowing her body and listening to it. Your body is meant to have babies. Trust in that! Believe it and your body will do all that it can! Along with that, I believe it is important to select a midwife/doctor who supports your beliefs. This should be YOUR experience, you have a say, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Laboring at home and being able to move about and stay busy really distracted me. I made soup, took a shower, and played cards, amongst other things. I think I would have gotten anxious or irritated if I had gone to the hospital too early in labor.
Also, as I mentioned, I believe hypnobirthing played a huge role in the lack of pain I felt. I only felt uncomfortable, not pain.
What position did you end up delivering in?
We literally just arrived at the hospital and the midwife had not come to my room yet. But I was pushing and I was standing at the bathroom sink! I wasn't in my delivery room yet. The nurses had to wheel me to my room on a gurney, while I was pushing on all fours. When I got to my delivery room, I stood on my feet and rested my upper body on the bed. My husband held my left hand and I asked one of the nurses to hold my right. The midwife sat on the ground behind me , caught my baby and handed him to me right away.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
This is a moment words can not describe. It was so many emotions all at once. I looked at him and he looked at me and from that moment, my love for him has only grown. I also felt empowered by the work my body had just done to bring me this baby boy. I also felt surprised as we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl. To finally be holding my baby boy was this moment I will always remember with a full heart.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Listen to your body!!! I can not stress that enough. I believe every woman is capable of knowing her body and listening to it. Your body is meant to have babies. Trust in that! Believe it and your body will do all that it can! Along with that, I believe it is important to select a midwife/doctor who supports your beliefs. This should be YOUR experience, you have a say, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise!