When did you realize you were really in labor?
It was in the evening about 8:30 pm after putting my 2 year old to bed. Contractions were consistently occurring every 10 minutes apart, which lasted about 4 hours, then they were about every 8 minutes apart until becoming closer together and more intense near 4 am. That's when I called my midwife, who also happens to be my own mother! She arrived to our house around 5 am. I was 9 1/2 cm dilated. I got in the tub to help with back labor. I only had a few more contractions before I felt the urge to start pushing. I pushed during a 15 minute span and gave birth to our first daughter (and granddaughter for my mom!) at 6:13 am!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Knowing what to expect this time! I also had had a home water birth with my son, whom my mom also delivered. With him it was all the unknown, but I had made up my mind I was going natural with him and just kept reassuring myself that I could do it! This time I knew what the pain of birth felt like but also knew I wanted to go all natural again. Nothing compares to the experience of birth and the empowerment that comes over you as a woman during the process. I wanted to feel all that again and recover quickly without having any medications on board.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Lots of positive mental preparation and trying to eat a healthy diet to prepare for a better delivery! ...Loaded up on lots of dates,red raspberry leaf tea, and Dr Christopher's birth prep.
What surprised you about your birth?
How much quicker and easier it was than my first! I also surprised myself with how much more determined I felt this birth, especially while pushing. ...But the best surprise of all was that we finally got a GIRL in our family!!!!
It's so much a mental preparation as it is physical. Keep focused and listen to your body. It was made to do this!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Slow, deep breathing. Mentally pushing through the pain and reassuring myself "I can do this!"
What position did you end up delivering in?
Supine in the bathtub.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
There are no words to describe that moment... Having my own mother deliver and hand me my child for the first time is indescribable and amazing.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
It's so much a mental preparation as it is physical. Keep focused and listen to your body. It was made to do this!!