Birth Stories

Listening to Music with Headphones and Having Her Eyes Closed Helped Cassie During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    This was my third labor and delivery and I had 5 episodes or prodromal labor. I'm a birth photographer, so I've seen over 40 labors and deliveries and considered myself a bit educated about what "real labor" looked like, until my own.
    I had my first 2 babies at 39 weeks and then 38 and 2. After hitting 40+1 i didn't know what to think anymore.
    I was having regular contractions (like the first 5 episodes that faked me out) and after about 4 hours woke my husband and said we should make sure our bag has everything packed and ready to go. I was texting my doula and told her we were getting our bag packed. We left, leaving our other 2 daughters with my sister, and on the drive to the hospital my contractions became further apart, I just knew it was going to stop, again. I told my husband we should turn around and go home and then before we could get off the interstate I felt my water pop. That was a first, it popped during pushing with my first 2 deliveries. That moment I had the thought "this may be the real deal" so we drove to the hospital and VERY surprisingly had a baby only 45 minutes later!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Honestly there wasn't anything real challenging. My first labor and delivery was a classic one intervention led to every intervention filled spiral. It was a horrible experience and I hated having no control of my body. My second labor and delivery I switched to a midwife and went natural, it was everything I had hoped and dreamed for. This time I had my same midwife and everything went so fast I wasn't really able to process anything other than 'this is happening NOW'. I suppose giving my body the time to do everything on it's own, as I intended, but then feeling so out of control because of the 5 episodes that didn't lead to delivery had me not trusting my body or my instincts - so I felt very out of control when things went so quickly.
    I am now a birth photographer that's birth photographer didn't make it because I didn't give her enough warning or heads up. Funny how things can go so opposite of how you dream and plan they will.

  • Pensacola Birth Photography
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    What's funny is everything I did to plan didn't actually happen. My birth photographer, the flattering bra and skirt, getting labor shots with my husband (who was asleep all but 1 hour before baby arrived bc I didn't think I was IN labor).
    One thing I planned and prepared was for our eldest daughter to be there. She is 5 and we watched a lot of birth videos and prepared her for what happens and can happen during labor and delivery. She made it about 10 minutes before baby arrived and I am SO glad we prepared and planned for that - she loves talking about her sisters BIRTHday.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How quickly it happened. All in all it was about 6 hours, but I only thought it was real labor for 1 hour of it. I still don't even know at what point I went through transition.
    I did a mini-version of hypnobabies, that my doula shared with me, and I loved being able to just tune out everything around me and concentrate on feeling my body work my baby out. I didn't push once until my midwife told me to after her head was born - just a push to get her the rest of the way out. I quietly let my body contract and push her down and out. It was incredible.

  • Read, Read, Read! Ina May and Dr. Sears books are amazing at preparing your mind for labor and delivery, in all it's different forms. Every woman's body is different so you need to read, and I recommend watch, all styles and sorts of births - that way you can know and do what feels best for YOU! Watch 'The Business of Being Born' and as crazy as it sounds YouTube is full of real life birth videos! I'd also highly recommend a doula. As a mom that has delivered 2 naturally and 1 with an epidural, and attended over 40 births, a doula is an AMAZING addition to your birth plan and one I have never seen anyone regret. Worth. Every. Penny!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Swaying and rocking on the ab ball. Walking and swaying/swinging my hips side to side.
    Listening to music with headphones and having my eyes closed let me focus in a very distraction-free way.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Sitting up on the edge of the bed.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing. Our oldest daughter was there, and it was a gender surprise birth, and after she was born my husband caught and handed the baby to me and I said (to our daughter) "Sarah, the babies here! The baby is here!" We then saw baby was a girl and were so excited to have a 3rd daughter!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Read, Read, Read! Ina May and Dr. Sears books are amazing at preparing your mind for labor and delivery, in all it's different forms. Every woman's body is different so you need to read, and I recommend watch, all styles and sorts of births - that way you can know and do what feels best for YOU!
    Watch 'The Business of Being Born' and as crazy as it sounds YouTube is full of real life birth videos! I'd also highly recommend a doula. As a mom that has delivered 2 naturally and 1 with an epidural, and attended over 40 births, a doula is an AMAZING addition to your birth plan and one I have never seen anyone regret. Worth. Every. Penny!

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