When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was a scheduled repeat c-section
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I had a c/section, I didn't!
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Since this was a repeat c/section, I was able to mentally prepare for the delivery and recovery. I learned how my body didn't respond well the last time to certain meds and procedures and wrote up a birth plan stating how I wanted my incision closed and what meds I did and didn't want.
What surprised you about your birth?
I was able to watch my baby being born this time!
Absolutely amazing! I had some other complications that required some additional surgery which made me quite nauseous, so I was unable to hold my baby right away. However, my husband did hold her right away and kept her right by my head until I was able to hold her. I haven't let go of her since!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Due to my c/section delivery, medications!!
What position did you end up delivering in?
Laying down in the operating room
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Absolutely amazing! I had some other complications that required some additional surgery which made me quite nauseous, so I was unable to hold my baby right away. However, my husband did hold her right away and kept her right by my head until I was able to hold her. I haven't let go of her since!!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
I didn't go natural, I had a c/section, and I'm just as proud of my 3 c/section deliveries as I would be if I had had my babies vaginally!! Often, we mamas think it's the end of the world if we are told that we have to have a c/section...I know I sure did the first time I heard it! Well, I'm here to tell you that it isn't and c/section deliveries can be just as beautiful these days (I wish I could share more than 1 picture!). I just had my 3rd baby via my 3rd c/section. But, what was different this time (and totally cool to me!) was that I was able to WATCH my OB deliver my baby this time as soft "spa music" was playing in the background!!! I know it's not for everyone, but I thought it was one of the most amazing experiences ever!! As one who has seen many births (as a result of my job), watching the birth of your own child is quite amazing!!! I cried the entire time. We had asked some of the L&D staff & anesthesiologist to take some pictures as Parker was delivered & they got some pretty incredible ones! Unfortunately I was in too much pain and too nauseous to hold her right away (the anesthesiologist tried his best & gave me what he could without putting me under, but my uterus had attached to my abdominal wall, requiring more surgery than just the c/section), but my husband held her the entire time they were finishing up the surgery. I was finally able to hold her as we wheeled out of the OR and back to our room, and I haven't let go of her since (she'll be 7 wks old tomorrow!)! I could not have asked for a more incredible, wonderful & amazing experience thanks to my OB and the L&D staff.