When did you realize you were really in labor?
My husband decided to start timing the contractions and they were consistently 6 minutes apart.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging part of having a natural childbirth was knowing that the surges were going to come and I couldn't stop them. I knew that I needed to embrace them in order for me to welcome my little girl into the world.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Mama Natural Birth Course of course! My husband and I viewed the classes up until we gave birth. We had the exercises printed out and we were ready to put them into action. Daily affirmations helped as well. I felt empowered every time I was able to say them and write them down. My husband would remind me to practice my breathing, which I put into practice when the hardest surges came my way. Also, eating right even before conception was the biggest part. I knew that my body was ready and capable of anything.
What surprised you about your birth?
Honestly, the pain. I truly expected to be overcome by the pain and that I wouldn't know how to control my own body. Surprisingly, my body did know what to do. You hear it all the time, that you don't need to do anything; that your body knows what to do. Our bodies truly are amazing. My body did know exactly what to do! Of course, with the help of my loving and supportive husband and the guidance of my midwives... I did it! The best and most empowering feeling in the world!
Our bodies truly are amazing. My body did know exactly what to do!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
At first, walking around the house and carrying on with normal activities helped. It was Christmas Day, so the big kids were opening presents and we were enjoying each others' company all the while, I was starting to feel contractions. I was keeping busy doing laundry and dishes. When the surges were stronger, my husband reminded me to use my breathing techniques. The best one was to use long breathes and low deep tones of voice. With each surge, I would deep breathe and use a low tone sound like, "ohhhh..." My goodness, it was working to get me through each surge. My husband used two tennis balls inside one of our sons' soccer socks to roll on my back to relieve pressure as well.
What position did you end up delivering in?
The position I ended up bringing our baby into this world was squatting. I initially liked the hands and knees position. I had lower back pain and my tailbone had a lot of pressure on it. The hand and knees position really allowed gravity to take some of that pain away. However, in that position, it was difficult for me to not push. I then went to a left lying position, which I couldn't stay in too long because I felt like I had to be moving or swaying. I moved to the tub which was amazing because of the warmth. In the tub was where I started to push, but my bag of waters was intact. I only pushed four times in the tub until my midwife said to change positions which I gladly did and jumped out of the tub to push baby girl out squatting!
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
It is the best feeling, knowing you are doing the best you can for yourself and for your baby.