When did you realize you were really in labor?
My water broke as I was going to the bathroom. This was around 8:30 on Thursday, July 3rd and my daughter was born almost exactly 24 hours later. I slept all through that night with no real contractions. Woke up the next morning and got to the hospital around 11:00. It wasn't until closer to 2:00 or so that I really started feeling contractions and felt like, "okay, now we are actually doing something!"
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I was very committed to going natural, and had great support from my husband and family. For me, there really wasn't an alternative to going natural, unless something was wrong with myself or the baby. The labor and delivery wasn't challenging because I had told myself, and had my husband and particularly my mom telling me that I was strong enough to handle the contractions. That support was so important.
Probably the hardest thing was that we switched around 34 weeks from a Birth Center to a Hospital when my husband started a new job. We went from an atmosphere where everyone (aka the midwives) was encouraging of a natural birth and where the birth setting was quite serene, to a hospital setting, which was so different. We were lucky that the hospital was supportive of a natural birth, but I think this was because we had very very specific birth plans that we provided.
Though labor and delivery went really smoothly overall, I was disappointed that I was made to go on antibiotics, because of the fact that my water had been broken for a period of time before contractions had started. It was not a scenario we had planned for, and therefore didn't have all the knowledge on whether or not it was truly necessary. Of course, the nurses and midwife on duty encouraged it, and ultimately convinced us it was a good precaution to take. I wasn't so upset even about taking the antibiotics, but I hated the needle sticking in my hand. It was SO uncomfortable on that first night after my daughter was born.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Taking classes together with my husband. And talking a lot about birthing positions and encouraging my husband that he would be a really important part of the process--to be there to massage or put pressure on my back, or get me a sip of water, or whatever. Knowing whatever was happening that we were a team.
We are lucky in that my mom is a lactation consultant, so we knew we would have great support with breastfeeding after the baby was born. But I always say that if I hadn't had her (or another LC) available right after birth, breastfeeding would've been so much more difficult to establish. I can understand why women give up after a short period of time breastfeeding, especially if they don't have the support in place ahead of time. So, I guess my point is to not just prepare for childbirth itself, but to prepare for that newborn time, too.
What surprised you about your birth?
The experience gave me so much respect for L&D nurses! They handled my pooping during labor with ease (yup, it happened), and were there to help me get out of bed for the first time to use the bathroom. They help you with the underwear and the monster pads, and do it all without a second thought.
You can do it!!! But you have to truly believe that you can, and have a support system in place who will encourage you as well.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
At first, some counter pressure, but eventually I didn't want anyone touching me anymore. Then, I spent a lot of time leaning over a birthing ball that was on top of the bed and just swayed back and forth on it.
Mostly though it was just keeping calm and staying very "inside" myself. I kept my eyes closed through many contractions and all during the pushing. It kept me focused on my body and working to get the baby out.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was on my back in bed, propped up slightly and had a bar and I think a sheet wrapped around it that I used to pull on during each push. Before labor, I thought for sure I'd want to be on all fours or some other position, but in that moment it worked out just fine and I have no regrets. I pushed for about an hour, so I don't think it was an inhibiting position by any means.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
You always hear that you will get this all-consuming rush of emotion and pure love for your child, and there is truly no better way to describe it. I remember seeing my daughter for the first time and feeling like I had known her face for so long already. She was truly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
You can do it!!! But you have to truly believe that you can, and have a support system in place who will encourage you as well.