Birth Stories

Laughing and A Midwife Squeezing Her Feet Helped Bethany During Labor

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been in prodromal labor for two days and was taking it easy, very aware that it could subside. On the third day at 4AM I could not sleep and just knew this was our birthing day. I felt the need to fuel up and had french toast, a banana and an extra strong cup of Red Raspberry Leaf tea. My surges (or you may call them contractions) were getting stronger a little longer and closer together. I started timing them from 4:30 until 6 when I lost my mucus plug. After that my surges were slightly less intense. I told my boyfriend to call out of work and I turned on my Rainbow Relaxation CD from my Hypnobirthing class and rested as much as possible.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Other than challenge of tuning out the negative, fear based responses from friends and family it was hard for me to know when to call my doula and midwife to arrive. I always thought things were going to get much more intense than they were. I had no way to predict how fast things were about to happen and as a first time mom no way to compare how I was feeling. The doula was looking for signs to tell the midwife that I was close to giving birth. But I was joking around and talking until 30 minutes before our son was born (when my water broke).So the midwife barley made it in time. With no time for a birth pool we stayed right in our bed.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Researching all my options, following my heart, and taking Hypnobirthing classes were the most important and helpful things that led us to a successful, peaceful and fun home birth. Forging a strong mind body connection and building more self awareness through meditation and breathing exercises was integral for me.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised how fast everything happened (I had no concept of time) and how strong my mind body connection remained as they worked in perfect harmony to help me deliver our son. I was amazed by my body's strength.

  • Dont hope you can, KNOW you can. Do not doubt yourself and be determined. Do research, hire a doula and stay away from people who have doubts in your ability to do this! Find and practice the techniques that you know will keep you calm and help you through. Trust your body, listen to it, believe in its strength and envision a gentle birth.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Deep breathing and a hot compress on my back during labor. I also got relief from laughing and the midwife squeezing my feet.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on all fours but with my elbows on a pillow and my knees bent and my bottom very low.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Euphoric. There's no true way to really explain that bliss and pride and joy. It was amazing.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Dont hope you can, KNOW you can. Do not doubt yourself and be determined. Do research, hire a doula and stay away from people who have doubts in your ability to do this! Find and practice the techniques that you know will keep you calm and help you through. Trust your body, listen to it, believe in its strength and envision a gentle birth.

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