When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had lots of early labour, for weeks off and on, but I knew it was the real thing after I needed to get in the shower after the first few tightenings.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging thing was just being able to focus on each tightening and also remembering to "let go" so that my body and baby could take over.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
With my first baby I did lots of yoga which helped to prepare with being able to focus and coping techniques like breathing and positions. To further prepare for this birth I think the things that helped most were knowing each stage and the physical changes that happen during birth as well as watching lots and lots of natural births online so that I was comfortable with what happens.
What surprised you about your birth?
How quick it was! I had felt all through my pregnancy it would be a fast labour, but I was still surprised when it was only about two and a half hours from first 'real' tightening to being born. We only made it to the birth centre about half an hour before he was born because I didn't want to get out of my shower at home. We ended up calling an ambulance to get there as by that time I was unable to sit in the car.
Amazing! I was so happy to have him in my arms and meet him. I also felt so happy and proud of myself for birthing him.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Being in the shower helped a lot with pain relief. I started out standing and leaning forward to let the hot water run over my lower back. I also breathed and moaned through each tightening and the vocalizing helped by giving me something to focus on and keep my face relaxed. With each wave I would repeat a little mantra in my head telling myself to 'relax, open and soften'. As labour intensified i found kneeling forward on hands and knees while my Mum massaged acupressure points on my lower back really helped as well.
What position did you end up delivering in?
When we got to the birth center they were ready for me with the bath filled, which I jumped straight into. His head was born kneeling in the water, but when his body didn't come on the next tightening my midwife asked me to stand with one foot up on the side of the tub and he came out very quickly in that position.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Amazing! I was so happy to have him in my arms and meet him. I also felt so happy and proud of myself for birthing him.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
You can do it! I think it is super important to spend time preparing for birth and knowing all your options ahead of time, so that you and your support people know your wishes before labour starts. I also really believe that as long as we listen to our bodies and trust in its ability it will show us the way.