When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had my 39 week check up that morning and on my hour drive back home (by myself!) I realized my contractions were becoming more regular. Once Home I took a bath, drank some wine and tried to sleep as recommended by my midwife and they just kept coming so I called the birthing center and started packing the car!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
It happened so much faster than I imagined. I was only in labor 7 hours with my son so I knew it could be faster this time but I didn’t realized how much faster. After only 2 hours of really hard labor I was in transition... but I of course didn’t know it. The contractions were stacking on top of one another so I wasn’t getting any sort of relief between them which was a huge mental hurdle because I hadn’t experienced that before. Little did I know that our baby would be there so soon!
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I did the Hypnobabies at home study- there were tracks to listen to everyday to practice hypnosis and relax. I think these were vital to keeping my calm and relaxed, especially in early labor and the long drive back to the birthing center when labor had really kicked in!
What surprised you about your birth?
How fast it was!! We arrived around 6 pm to the birthing center and the contractions were bearable... she was born at 9:15 after just 3 quick pushes!
Believe in yourself! Our bodies are so much wiser than we give them credit for! Preparation is also so important... I felt i powered by the more information I knew about birth and the techniques and options available.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Shower on a birthing ball with hot water hitting my abdomen... the tub... and closing my eyes and checking into my own little birthing world. I didn’t think I saw my husband for the last two hours of labor because I kept my eyes closed!
What position did you end up delivering in?
I delivered in the tub sitting down... it was really nice to let the water hold me up and let me take some of the load off!
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was unbelievable! I kept saying “I can’t believe that just happened!” Because I had no idea I was fully dialated!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Believe in yourself! Our bodies are so much wiser than we give them credit for! Preparation is also so important... I felt i powered by the more information I knew about birth and the techniques and options available.