Birth Stories

Hiring a Doula Helped Jenna During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been having some cramping for a few days, but since it was my first birth, I didn't realize that labor was imminent. It was a week before my due date, so I was expecting to be pregnant for a couple more weeks. I got up to go to the bathroom at night and heard a pop and realized my water had broken!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I think the most challenging this about going natural is dealing with the naysayers. There are people who think you are crazy or really brave for going natural, but the thought of birthing in a hospital and possibly having to get a c-section was far more unnerving for me than being in my own home. Birthing naturally at home just felt like the right thing for me, and you have to trust your instincts.

  • labor
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I hired a doula, who showed me some exercises to help prepare me physically, but mostly she helped calm some of my fears and acted as a support system. I think a lot of birthing is mental. Your body pretty much does all the work for you, but I think the hardest part is preparing your mind. When it's your first birth, you have no way of knowing what to expect. I also talked to other moms who birthed naturally, watch natural birth videos online and read other women's stories.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised at the adrenaline rush I got when I realized I was in labor. We called my midwife and doula right away and they both told us to rest until the morning, but my contractions were getting closer and closer together and more intense. I was also surprised how quickly I went into active labor, especially since one of my fears was that I was going to be in labor for a long time. I had spoken to another woman who said she labored for 32 hours! My water broke around 12:30 am and my daughter was born at 8:43 am, so I was grateful I was only in labor for a little over 8 hours, although it actually felt much shorter.

  • Do your research, talk to other moms who have done it, watch The Business of Being Born, read natural birth stories. Don't listen to the fears of people who have never been through it or seen a natural birth. Hire a doctor or midwife with lots of natural birth experience, and a doula if you can. Immerse yourself in the idea of birthing naturally, stick to your guns, and know that you have what it takes to get through it!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Being in the bathtub helped ease a lot of the pressure. Having supportive people around me telling me I could do it helped at times when I was doubting myself or felt too exhausted. Also, once my daughter started crowning, it was encouraging to have them describe to me what they saw and how close close I was to being done. It definitely helped me push through the pain (so to speak). I think dealing with pain is easier when you know it's going to end soon and then you get the best reward imaginable!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered in the squat position right next to my bed. My doula sat on the edge of the bed and helped to hold me up because I was so exhausted. I had been trying to deliver in the bathtub, but my midwife kept urging me to get out because the positioning wasn't ideal. Once I got into squat position, she came out pretty quickly!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Euphoric. Magical. Surreal. As much cursing as I did and as exhausted as I was during labor, everything changed in that moment when I got to hold her. Not only was I in awe of this amazing new human being, I was in awe of myself for getting through it. It was the absolute best, and probably most challenging experience of my life.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research, talk to other moms who have done it, watch The Business of Being Born, read natural birth stories. Don't listen to the fears of people who have never been through it or seen a natural birth. Hire a doctor or midwife with lots of natural birth experience, and a doula if you can. Immerse yourself in the idea of birthing naturally, stick to your guns, and know that you have what it takes to get through it!

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