Birth Stories

Hiring a Doula Helped Brittany During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was in labor when I woke up around 2:30 am to go to the bathroom and noticed some leakage, but thought it was urine from the pressure of the baby. I went back to bed and flipped sides and some more came out. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on, since I was I was anticipating a huge gush like the movies. I decided to get up and walk around and get my papers from my midwife and it said to call if you are noticing any type of fluid leakage. I woke my husband up around 3:30 am and we called in and she said she wanted to check me out. I was only 36.5 weeks at this time so we didn't have our bags packed, nor did we bring anything with us to the hospital thinking it was a false alarm. A swab test confirmed it was my amniotic fluid and I was in labor so we couldn't leave the hospital! Thank god for our family helping us and bringing our items to the hospital that morning!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I had extremely bad back labor the entire time, and I was mentally not prepared for that. I honestly didn't really even know what back labor was at the time, but I remember briefly hearing about it in childbirth class. It was so intense that I didn't even feel one regular contraction the entire 16.5 hours. Luckily I had my doula and husband there to provide counter pressure with each contraction, which was a lifesaver. I also couldn't have my planned water birth since I wasn't 37 weeks yet, so that was heartbreaking to me. However, I was able to labor in the tub and shower which helped with the pain. I would say that the back labor was hands down the most challenging part of it! Pushing was a breeze once I go to that point (even though I pushed for 2 hours and 10 minutes) That was by far the easiest part of labor for me and I was amazed by what my body was capable of doing!

  • birth-photo
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Honestly, hiring a doula was the best decision my husband and I made to achieve a natural childbirth. She met with us beforehand to establish a birth plan and educate us on various topics. In labor she was a saint and was there for the entire process and provided unbelievable support, especially when I felt like I wanted to give up. Her laboring techniques were essential to relieve my back labor pain and she worked incredibly well with my husband and family in the room. I can honestly say if she wasn't there I wouldn't have been able to do it naturally!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I always knew that I was a strong person, but labor showed me that in an entirely new way. There was a time that I wanted to give up and use pain medication to make it through the final stages, but I somehow managed to do it on my own and I will be forever empowered by that. I had a sign in my birthing room that said "she believed she could, so she did" and I kept looking at it as a reminder to myself that my body was made to do this. It's easy to freak yourself out and get inside of your own head when you are in pain, but in labor you learn to quiet that voice and push through. Childbirth changed me as a woman and showed me an inner strength I didn't know I had before. I will always remember my experience giving birth to my son, Blake, and I wouldn't change it for the world!

  • Childbirth changed me as a woman and showed me an inner strength I didn't know I had before.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Counter pressure, laboring in the tub and shower, rebozo

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was in the bed and squatted at times with the bar but ended up delivering on my back. My husband lifted me up behind me and I pulled my knees into my chest with each contraction. My doula also had me pulling against her to give me more strength and to provide a deeper push.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Incredible. It's a moment that I really have no words for. We waited to find out the gender, so I had that as motivation to get me through my labor, which made it fun. The second he came out it was like my whole world had changed and I couldn't believe a love like that was even possible. I was definitely in a state of shock after everything I went through that day and looking down at him made it all worth it. He was so perfect!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    YOU CAN DO IT! There will most likely be times that you have doubts and feel like you want to give up, but I promise you it will be worth it. Just take deep breaths and try to find a place of peace within yourself. The transition phase (7-10 cm) was the toughest part for me, but it didn't last very long and once I got to pushing it was like I was a new person! Also, hire a doula if it's in your budget. The support and labor techniques you learn from them is invaluable. Every birth is unique and you will someday have your own story to tell. No matter how your baby enters this world it's amazing, and you should be proud of that!

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