When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was induced at 39 weeks
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
He was 9.5 pounds at birth. induction is a waiting game. The doctor called it a roller coaster. It takes forever to get to 6 cm and then it's down the roller coaster. I dilated to 10 in the next 45 minutes. It was very hard. More difficult than my previous birth, but he was 2 pounds larger at birth than my last. The hardest parts were not pushing before it was time and then pushing when it was time. He was having trouble and needed to come out quickly so I pushed with every contraction. It was much much more painful than I was expecting, but 4 weeks later it doesn't seem so bad. I don't know if it was related or not but this, my third baby was my only unmedicated birth and he has been the fastest to pick up on breastfeeding. He latched right on after he was born and has done wonderfully since.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I think that is easier to go through the labor process after you've already done it once. There's a lot of fear before your first birth and eventually each birth us different you know what to expect. It hurts - bad and then it's over and it's not something that you remember with much detail after that.
What surprised you about your birth?
The level of pain. I expected it to go much like my last and it did for awhile, then it got much more intense.
Know that it is going to be hard, but I guess think about why you want to go without medication and stick with your choice. Epidurals don't make birth pain free so it's not like the choice is all the pain or none
What pain relief strategies worked best?
My husband was great at reminding me to breath and the nurses provided additional breathing support to help keep from pushing. I told myself as it got harder to tolerate that this is the hardest part and it's almost over, and it was
What position did you end up delivering in?
On my back, I wasn't able to move from that position because of how difficult the contractions were. I labored mostly on my left side after walking and sitting .....
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Wonderful, I was kinda in a daze from the adrenaline, but I think holding him for an hour or so helped with calming me and with breastfeeding. He was so alert and awake for over an hour after birth.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Know that it is going to be hard, but I guess think about why you want to go without medication and stick with your choice. Epidurals don't make birth pain free so it's not like the choice is all the pain or none