When did you realize you were really in labor?
At 7pm, after arriving home. .relaxing on couch..contractions began..it was on my mind since 4pm, I thought my water was leaking but I think now it was my mucus plug. .
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Managing the pain, in the beginning, when labor was harder and faster than anticipated for early labor. Husband was phenomenal support, call the doctor who said don't come in until contractions are 5 minutes apart. Hubby suggested: eating, and taking a shower, and lying down. Resting wasn't an option. I listened to birth affirmations by Mama Natural. I listen to some Christian music. But I was really having trouble managing the pain. I hung on the side of the shower. I hung on the railing of my stairs. I tried leaning on Hutches and countertops. With every contraction I felt I had to move. So I would get up and walk to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. Then I thought what am I forgetting that I have learned. I started to use moaning and yelling to relieve the contractions.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Had MP3 player with music and affirmations..hubby watched birth classes, and Youtube videos...husband largest asset. .applied counter pressure to hips, guided me when decision making not possible. .took the lead..
Having friend there to get 14 year old where he needed to be and support for pushing..
Watching birth classes, reading: Birthing from Within, hypnobirthing, InaMay Gaskin'book,listening to uplifting music and scripture friends gave me..
Chiropractor visits, eating dates, pregnancy tea. -
What surprised you about your birth?
Completely natural, in a hospital, not.even IV.
Labor began at 7pm, baby born at 11:58..20 minutes of pushing. .how alert she was at birth and for 4 hours later..1st birth preemie..very different. .an hour of skin to skin...
How quickly doctor managed placenta...and bleeding. . -
Let hubby advocate for you in hospital. .follow instincts...use music etc..that helps you relaxing normally. ..believe you can do it!! And your body's made for this!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Counter pressure, prayer, listening to loving music, moving, I let them hear her heartbeat for 10 minutes while laboring in pain in bed, tune asked to use bathroom and staying in my feet laboring most of time..water broke while on my feet and nurse trying to attach wireless monitor..
Drinking water...sitting in hospital bathroom and deep breathing. . -
What position did you end up delivering in?
Laying slightly upright..hubby supporting leg...no stirrups
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I felt so thankful to hear her cry and feel her against me...and she had so so much hair!!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Let hubby advocate for you in hospital. .follow instincts...use music etc..that helps you relaxing normally. ..believe you can do it!! And your body's made for this!!