When did you realize you were really in labor?
My contractions were felt in my back and they felt eerily similar to the back pain I experienced when I threw my back out the year prior... so it was tough to tell! But we live an hour (without traffic) from the hospital, so we decided to leave even before they got "bad". It felt early, and it was! But they kept me anyway.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I think I thought going natural would mean that I would have a pretty "unplugged" labor and delivery, but that wasn't the case at all. While I didn't use any medicine or epidural and was able to delivery vaginally, the doctor had me on pitocin and all sorts of monitors and I felt very much so plugged in.
It was hard to be natural minded in that scenario.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Having a first hand experience of pain and pain management really helped. I've had kidney stones before, so my husband has witnessed me in pain and has seen how I handle myself in those times. No surprises! Labor was harder, but it was nice to have a few tried and true techniques in mind.
What surprised you about your birth?
That is was hard! Ha! You'd think after all the movies of women screaming through the pain I would be less surprised by this, but yeah, it was a lot harder than I anticipated.
Labor at home for as long as you can! My doctors didn't think I was progressing fast enough and that's why they gave me pitocin. I firmly believe if I would have labored at home and waited it out a bit more then my experience would have felt a lot more organic.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I had to keep my body as loose as possible. My natural instinct was to tighten up and fight the pain, but focusing on relaxing every inch of my body helped things progress.
There were times I couldn't help but tighten up tho. Hey! I'm no pro :)
What position did you end up delivering in?
The traditional on my back while holding my thighs. But during contractions I was on my back, on my side, and sitting straight up.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It felt like relief!!! Like I mentioned earlier, my labor and delivery experience was a lot harder than I imagined and if I'm being honest it was a little traumatic for me. But knowing that I was done and my baby boy was safely delivered was the sweetest gift. I just wish I wasn't being stitched up while holding him for the first time ;) not the most pleasant position to be in (emotionally, mentally, and physically).
But I just kept saying "thank you Jesus thank you Jesus!" Because, really, there is no better gift.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
I would recommend laboring at home for as long as you can! My doctors didn't think I was progressing fast enough and that's why they gave me pitocin. I firmly believe if I would have labored at home and waited it out a bit more then my experience would have felt a lot more organic.