When did you realize you were really in labor?
With this being my first birth, I really never had a firm sense that labor had begun. I read so many birth stories and kept thinking of women who'd have contractions for days/weeks before going into active labor. I woke up the day before Eden arrived to what felt like period cramps. They were consistent and my midwife told me she'd be here soon. I didn't believe her :) That night I was moaning through each wave and my husband decided to call our midwife. It was midnight and we were driving to the birth center and I just KNEW she was going to send us home because I wasn't feeling deep pain. We arrived at the birth center and I was dilated to a 7. We were there to stay and that is when I knew our baby was soon-to-be earthside.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Labor was intense and definitely challenging. I found, however, that the negative words of others were at times the most challenging! When you choose to give birth without pain medication, you have to be all in. If I said, I "maybe" will use drugs...then during labor- OH YES I would have.
I had to be careful about the words I let into my thought life. -
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Education! Read, watch birth videos, connect with other women, know the phases of labor. These things were essential in my preparation. My husband and I took a birth class together which greatly prepared both of us for what lied ahead. When I was in transition saying "I can't do this anymore" and asking for someone to "help me" with the pain...he knew I wasn't going to die. (I may or may not be dramatic)
He knew we were so very close to seeing our miracle. -
What surprised you about your birth?
I was surprised by how the pain was just so manageable. It was intense but I never felt overtaken or miserable. I was surrendered to the process...
Each contraction came like a wave. Rising and falling. I kept envisioning the sea...the waves...up and down...breathing deeply...until our Eden was here with us. -
I was surprised by how the pain was just so manageable. It was intense but I never felt overtaken or miserable. I was surrendered to the process.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Movement! Swaying my hips. Poems and prayers. Humming. Mental pictures of calm. Hugging my husband. Towards the end, I was just exhausted. I was on the bed swaying during contractions and sleeping during the rest period.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I started pushing on a birth stool and ended up delivering on my side.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I don't have the words to describe the feeling. It's so many feelings happening simultaneously. You really just work so hard to get her here. Once she was placed on my chest, I remember saying "Hi, baby. Oh, we love you"
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Get comfortable with birth. Read it, see it, talk about it! Face your doubts and believe in the process. Our bodies are designed beautifully and birth is just one part of that. It is a gift.
Find a care provider who believes in women and their ability to birth naturally. A caring and supportive environment throughout your pregnancy and birth is key. The midwives we used were skilled and professional. Their care and CARE made all the difference!