Birth Stories

Going On Long Walks and Reading Positive Birth Stories Helped Sarah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor? water broke September 26th at 11pm but it was a slow leak so I went to the hospital the next morning and I took cytotec around 5pm to jump start labor and started feeling contractions around 10:45pm so that's when I officially felt like I was in labor. Sigh. Labor did not start the way I wanted or thought it would, but that's okay!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Having soooo many women tell me their horror stories or tell me just to get the epidural instead of being encouraging. It was also hard to find a close by midwife who worked out of a hospital and was willing to support my plan to go natural.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I would say going on long walks, reading positive birth stories on mama natural, hiring a doula!!!, working with a supportive midwife, having a husband who was 100% supportive of me going natural, and reading about strategies that helped other women (guttural moans, positive birth affirmations).

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I would say that my water broke first. I read that there was a low chance of that happening and didn't think it would happen to me. Unfortunately I did not get to labor at home and made the decision to stay at the hospital and that was not part of my birth plan. Also I was in active labor for 8 hours and I was thinking my first labor and delivery would be longer. I was also surprised that I never even asked for an epidural. I had prepared my husband with a code word (purple monkey) if I really wanted an epidural and to ignore me if I ever asked for an epidural, but I never got to that point. I did however say "I can't do this" multiple times, but thankfully my husband and doula kept saying "You ARE doing this!"

  • Read as much as you can about positive birth stories and even if your birth plan doesn't start the way you want believe you can still have an amazing experience.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For sure low guttural moans, squeezing my husband's hand during every contraction, and keeping the lights low. We also walked the halls, but I had to stop during every contraction.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was in a birth tub in a super low squat, but also slightly arched back if that makes sense. I thought I was going to be on all fours but my body led me to squatting when it was time to push.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    AMAZING! I couldn't believe she was actually here. Very surreal actually. She kept blinking her eyes and was very alert. The picture I submitted captured our little family moments after I delivered and it was heaven. Also a little daunting because whoa, I'm a parent now!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Drink the red raspberry leaf tea! I started around 34 weeks I believe. Hire a doula! It's a must. Read as much as you can about positive birth stories and even if your birth plan doesn't start the way you want believe you can still have an amazing experience. I would say advocate for yourself and make your desires clear to your providers and support people prior to labor so they are on board with you. Also don't have a lot of people in the room or anyone that you can't do what you need to (i.e get naked, make noises, puke, poop, etc.)

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