When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had a membrane sweep done at 40 weeks. The next day on Christmas Eve my water begun to break while I was walking around the store with my boyfriend and mother. At the time I didn't think much of it. When my membrane was swept my midwife told me it could be a day or a week before labor begun, so I didn't get my hopes up. Well the trickling "water" didn't stop until early Christmas morning so that afternoon after I got ready I called my midwife and since I had absolutely no other skin to skin she asked me to come in and get checked. With that said, I thought our trip was a "practice run". After my midwife checked me I was shocked to find out I was already 4-5 cm dialated! It felt as if not more than an hour went by before I had my first apparent contraction while walking the hallway.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most challenging part for me was how much I back labored. I labored in a jacuzzi bathtub with with jets on my back and my midwife applying pressure to my back during my later, stronger contractions. I felt more labor in my back than in my whole abdomen and pelvis.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Getting prepared side by side with my wonderful boyfriend. We made sure we were on the same page every step of the way. We decided to take childbirth classes in the comfort of our own home. We watched many many natural births to gain inspiration, as well as as read every book our library had to offer on the subject. We kept conversations and ideas open the entire journey to birthing. And the best thing we did was stay calm and know we had each other through it all. We prepared ourselves mentally through meditation to be able handle birth in a releasing and calm manner.
What surprised you about your birth?
The gender and birth day of my baby! We delivered Christmas night and were surprised with a healthy baby girl after thinking it was a boy! (We didn't find out the gender during pregnancy)
During my labor I was surprised at how calm it all was. My boyfriend held my hands and reminded me to breathe, reassuring me of how close we were every bit of the way. He helped me stay in a meditative - trance like state. Surprisingly I didn't feel actual pain until almost 10 cm along. -
Release your body to birth. Prepare your self knowing that yes this is the most pain your body will ever experience, but you can handle it!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
My midwife pressed my hips together during the more intense contractions between 8-10 cm, which was very relieving. I used aromatherapy with scents such as Eucalyptus and Lavender to stay calm and continue deep breathing during contractions.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Unfortunately "last minute" at 38 weeks pregnant I found out I wasn't able to deliver in the water like we had much hoped, due to a terrible miscommunication. So at 38w 5d I moved birth clinics and delivered in a smaller hospital, which meant I had to birth on a bed. As sad about that as I was, I had no choice but to continue being strong and not let the circumstance effect my laboring abilities. Luckily when it came to pushing I was on the bed for less than 40 minutes. I pushed laying on my left side initially and the last 2 pushes I laid on my back and pulled my legs into my chest.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It is absolute bliss and blessedness to hold my angel for the first time. The sounds around me seemed to almost disappear as a feeling of relief and floating-like euphoria takes over as I looked into the eyes of the beautiful being who grew inside of me.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Know from the very beginning that you are made for this very journey. Your body knows exactly what to do, all you need to do is breathe and release your worries. Release your body to birth. Prepare your self knowing that yes this is the most pain your body will ever experience, but you can handle it! Make sure you are on the same page as your support person and relax as much as possible, keeping in mind that with every contraction you are that much closer to meeting your love for the first time, and it will all be worth it.