When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was in denial about real labor actually starting, as I usually am, because I always feel like I can't handle the incredible disappointment if it ends up being false labor! But by 7 AM, after having more consistent contractions for 5 hours, I was pretty convinced the baby was coming some time that day.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Out of my four labors, these were the strongest, most intense contractions I had ever experienced. This time the most difficult part was having the mental grit to believe I *could* handle the pain and could get through it despite feeling like I absolutely could not.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
The most important things I did to prepare myself for this birth were to educate educate educate myself so my expectations would be realistic, and line up the support I knew I would need during labor. The people I had with me (my husband, sister, and daughter) were invaluable in helping me get through it!
What surprised you about your birth?
I was not prepared for the level of intensity! Never have I ever been close to going from 3cm to a baby in my arms in less than 2 hours!
Unbelievably relieving and miraculous
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Low back pressure and the presence of family helped me get through contractions the most.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Squatting and leaning over the birth tub
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Unbelievably relieving and miraculous
How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?
Since this was my fourth child I knew a lot of what was communicated. But I did not know a LOT of what was discussed about hospital policies and how to handle different hospital situations to achieve a natural birth. I think that information is invaluable for women who want to have a natural hospital birthexperience!!