When did you realize you were really in labor?
When I went to the hospital thinking I had Braxton Hicks contractions but they told me I was 8 cm dialated.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I was excited to have another natural Birth as I educated myself more this pregnancy, but the most challenging thing was my baby was breech and in Florida where I live midwives can't deliver breech babies. So I had to be transferred at 36 weeks.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Eating healthy, staying active, red raspberry leaf tea, and dates.
What surprised you about your birth?
At first it was how mild my contractions were compared to previous babies, but the biggest surprise was the emergency c section.
I believe my contraction were affective but mild due to raspberry leaf tea, dates, exercise, stretching, and healthy diet. My natural birth turned into an emergency c section that was out of my control. I cried when I was wheeled off to the surgery room not because my contractions ( 8 cm) but bc my beautiful natural birth I had planned for 37 weeks was not going to happen. It might not go your way. So read about c sections ( I did not), read about flipping breech babies ( I did when I found out but nothing helped), read about all the different possibilities that might happen.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Breathing and holding onto something to squeeze during contractions.
What position did you end up delivering in?
C section :( but during contractions i was on my hands and knees.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It's the best moment of your life. Very few moments in life make you feel that happy and blessed.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
I believe my contraction were affective but mild due to raspberry leaf tea, dates, exercise, stretching, and healthy diet. My natural birth turned into an emergency c section that was out of my control. I cried when I was wheeled off to the surgery room not because my contractions ( 8 cm) but bc my beautiful natural birth I had planned for 37 weeks was not going to happen. It might not go your way. So read about c sections ( I did not), read about flipping breech babies ( I did when I found out but nothing helped), read about all the different possibilities that might happen. Make sure to keep your baby in your sight so they don't give her vaccines or eye ointment or anything unnatural you wouldn't want, have your husband or family member help with this also. Also, i tried to not take pain pills after c section but I was kneeled over crying in so much pain that I wouldn't have been able to breastfeed if I didn't take something. Advil is best for baby! There is an ingredient in Tylenol and Motrin ( what the nurses wanted me to take) that is not good for babies). Keep yourself healthy so your body will heal itself faster.So I took Advil for two days after getting home. Once the pain was bearable I stopped. You also want to feel a little pain so you remember to move slowly and don't push yourself. C sections are a lot harder and longer to heal from than vaginally birth. If you have options always choose vaginal!