When did you realize you were really in labor?
My first contraction came early evening three days before my due date, the feeling was just like a short gentle period pain but the fact they came consistently every twenty minutes made me think this was the beginning of labor. My husband however took one look at me and announced that it wasn't the night, he just wasn't feeling it, apparently!
Within eight hours the pains were much stronger and four minutes apart, then my waters suddenly burst so we new it was the night.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I think labor would have been a challenge for me natural or otherwise, as I was experiencing it for the first time. Despite all of the research I'd done I still didn't really know what to expect, what the pain would feel like and if we'd hit any hiccups.
Once it had however begun I was focused on keeping calm and in control and never once thought about intervention or pain relief. I guess being at home helped in this respect as medication isn't something in sight as it would have been if I were in hospital.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I did many things! Firstly I kept fit, going to regular classes and cycling to work up to nine months. I wanted to be in shape for this challenge. I also maintained my shiatsu sessions throughout pregnancy, I planned to use shiatsu and acupuncture also had I gone passed my due date.
From twenty weeks I joined a hypnobirthing group and went to weekly sessions and listened to associated relaxation tracks every day at home. My goal was to feel calm and in control during labor. I went to an NCT group and learned everything I could about labour and looking after a newborn.
I bought an Epi-No which enabled me to prepare my perineum (I had an 8lb 13 baby and had no tearing or stitches). In the last few weeks I drank red raspberry leaf tea, ate dates and figs - to strengthen my uterus and help my baby arrive on time, I desperately wanted to avoid an induction as I know they generally lead to pain relief and therefore medical intervention.
There was even a period were our baby was transverse breech so we used moxibustion sticks and I spent a lot of time on all fours (watching tv, painting skirting boards and even scrubbing floors!) to help the baby turn.
What surprised you about your birth?
The size of our baby! I had a very small bump, at 30 weeks people couldn't even tell I was pregnant, and then out-popped a baby almost 9 pounds.
I was also surprised when they gave him to me and he couldn't reach my chest as the cord was too short!
Be positive.
Enjoy it.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I spent most of the time lying on my left side, and used a number of shiatsu pressure points, the midwives also gave me acupuncture.
Although my favorite moment was getting into the birthing pool. I'd been waiting for hours for it to fill and it was such a relief getting into the soothing warm water...the contractions became much more manageable. But I did fall asleep when I was fully dilated as it relaxed me a little too much!
What position did you end up delivering in?
To speed things up once I got out of the pool I was encouraged to dance and do some lunges. Following each lunge I would drop into a deep squat to use the power of the contraction and push.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was a little overwhelming, I'd spent my pregnancy almost in denial that a baby was on it's way. I didn't want pregnancy to define me and was genuinely a little shocked once he arrived.
Shortly after he was born I began to hemorrhage so we had to deal with that (a small injection to the thigh) and deliver my placenta...that kind of stole the moment away briefly.
After a quick shower I was helped into my own bed with a cup of tea, some toast and my son. It was the most miraculous and surprisingly natural feeling (despite my maternal instincts having always been AWOL).
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Be positive. Of course be ready for curve balls, but should something not go to plan try and handle that positively also.
Prepare. Do everything you can to prepare yourself for this life affirming event, you wouldn't run a marathon without preparing first.
Relax. Think of all the women that have given birth over the years naturally, you are just as capable as they were.
Enjoy it. I know that may sound weird, but during labor I had a clear sense of pride. I was doing it! I really embraced and enjoyed the challenge.