When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had been in early labor for almost 24 hours, when my water broke things really picked up! I went from 4 cm to delivered in less than 4 hours once my water broke.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Transition! Luckily transition only lasted about an hour for me because that was so intense and I wanted to give up, which is so common during this stage. There is so much pressure and I felt like I wanted to push but I wasn't completely dilated so I had to wait and that was the hardest thing.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Practice. My husband and I practiced different positions, Rebozo wrap maneuvers and breathing. I spent a lot of time mentally preparing myself for labor, visualizing what it would be like and what I would do to manage it. I had a list of positions and things to try so when things got intense my husband just had to look at the list for an idea of something new to try.
What surprised you about your birth?
Pushing, I was terrified of pushing despite everyone saying that was one of the better parts of labor because you can do something with the pain. It's true, pushing felt so much better, especially when you just come out of transition phase.
Know it will be hard but you can do it, take it one contraction at a time. This is your birth, you can make it what you want.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I loved being in the tub with some lavender oil, and any upright position (slow dancing, leaned over the birth ball specifically). My husband rubbed a hot pack on my lower back and well as counter pressure, and low groans during transition helped when I wasn't ready to push.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Laying down, I was so tired this was best for being able to rest between pushes.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was honestly the great lest moment of my life. With my first born I had an epidural and he was taken to the nicu almost immediately. This time I went naturally and the sex was a surprise. I wanted a girl so badly and when she came out, and was a girl and I got to cuddle her it was heaven! She latched on right away and nursed for an hour, it was the greatest, most peaceful hour. I didn't allow visitors, just my and my husband, and we deferred all measurements and medications until after the first breastfeeding session.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Commit to it. Think about it during your pregnancy, research it, do classes if you can, prepare your husband so he can help you! Know it will be hard but you can do it, take it one contraction at a time. This is your birth, you can make it what you want.