When did you realize you were really in labor?
7pm June 4th (my due date!)
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
This will sound cheesy but NOTHING. With my first pregnancy I knew I wanted to have a natural birth, but didn't do any type of preparing or planning. I thought just saying "I want a natural birth" was enough... Boy was I wrong! I ended up with pitocin, internal monitoring, and an epidural. The whole birthing and recovery experience was challenging for me. I was in pain and uncomfortable even with the epidural but couldn't do anything to help alleviate my discomfort because I couldn't move. It was a complete domino effect after the first intervention. With my second pregnancy I took the Bradley class, hired a doula and found an awesome midwife!! The whole experience was so amazing that I want to do it again and again! :-)
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Definitely taking The Bradley Method classes and hiring a doula! She came to our home at 3 am once labor really picked up, then she took me to the hospital at 4:30 while my husband woke up our son and got him ready to go. Once we got to the hospital my doula was by my side until my husband and son arrived. She then transitioned to a glorified babysitter/photographer. She entertained my son while I was pushing and took amazing photos that we will cherish forever :-)
What surprised you about your birth?
That I COULD do it! Although I was in pain. I would never describe birth as being painful; There are so many ways to manage the pain. Trust your body!
With my second pregnancy I took the Bradley class, hired a doula and found an awesome midwife!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
When labor started at 7 pm the contractions were coming ever 10-15 minutes. I put my birthing ball by my bed and would get out of bed every time I felt a contraction coming and would rock and move my hips through each contraction and take deep breaths. When the contraction was over, I got back in bed. I did this for eight hours! At 3am (and what was later determined to be transition) I moved to the living room and got on all fours. My husband would put a warm compress on my back and apply counter pressure during the contractions while I did the deep and long moan (you know what I'm talking about!). My doula would make sure I wasn't tense anywhere during contractions. This helped distract me because I was forced to focus on keeping my hands limp and relaxing my body.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Side lying
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Amazing, unbelievable, perfect, ... There are no words to adequately describe it.
How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?
PREPARE!!! Take a natural birthing class, find a doula, and prepare some more!