When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was at work for about 4 hours, and the contractions were getting harder and closer together. Then I went to the dr for my 41 week check up and to discuss inducing(ha....but I wasn't going to have any of that) and she checked me and I was 4 cm and almost fully effaced. She swept my membranes and said that I was probably going to have the baby within the next 24 hours.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The critics (oh...so many critics), the worry, having confidence in myself and my body to do this "thing" that is constantly pushed, prodded and messed with, and finally, knowing exactly what I wanted so I would stick to my GUNS when questioned constantly!
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Read books about natural childbirth, read blogs, watched YOUR birth videos and all of your information about natural birth (I think I even emailed you because you didn't have your online birth class ready yet and I had some questions which you ever so willingly answered), talked with people, prayed...prayed A LOT, met with a doula (and hired her to be there...UMMMMM...do this...THIS was a lifesaver), stretched and prepared my body, went to a chiropractor throughout my whole pregnancy, watched "the business of being born", talked with a Bradley instructor via email and she secretly gave me SO many resources, told my OB exactly what I wanted and was firm (although...she was wonderful and knew what I wanted and was very supportive of my wants), followed birth without fear, researched natural birth and the effects of ANY kind of intervention in the birth process, created a birth plan and brought to the hospital, used essential oils to relax and stay as calm as possible, made my own and bought some birth affirmation cards, had those that were supportive with me that the birth, stretched my perineum area, sat on an exercise ball often, and prayed some more. :)
What surprised you about your birth?
How amazing it went, how "uneventful" it was (but in a very positive way), how incredibly fast it went (maybe 3 hours of strong active labor), how well I healed after, how INCREDIBLY alert my baby girl was minutes after being born (compared to my son whom I had an epidural with his birth), how well she latched, how fast my milk came in because she wanted to eat so often and so much (I had her at 1:30am on a Tuesday morning and my milk was coming in on Wed afternoon...wow!), how comfortable I was until I went into transition, how surreal it felt, how much impact and help my doula was, how (because I was firm with my nurses and drs) the staff allowed me to do exactly what I wanted and almost trusted me, that the dr let me birth on all fours (and admitted after that that is one of the best ways to give birth!!!), that i only tore a little bit, i only needed to push 1.5 pushes to get her out, and that I DID IT! FULLY NATURAL...I amazed myself. :)
On all fours and the Dr. admitted after I had the baby, that it is one of the best positions to give birth in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Staying vertical, essential oils, prayer, music, the doula pushed on my lower back during contractions, moaning, breathing deep.
What position did you end up delivering in?
On all fours and the Dr. admitted after I had the baby, that it is one of the best positions to give birth in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Amazing, like time stood still, surreal, perfect!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Believe in yourself, do your research, stick to your guns, stay vertical, HIRE A DOULA, ignore the critics, God gave you this body....female bodies are made to birth babies, have people with you that will support you, stay vertical (did I say that already????????? :), find out what other pain management besides drugs are available at the place of birth, create a birth plan and stick to it, prepare your body as much as possible, try not to worry, relax, trust in the birth process, pray (if you are into that). :)