Baby Walkers: Why Canada Banned This Popular Registry Item

Although they seem simple and fun, baby walkers can lead to injuries and developmental delays. Get more information, plus learn about safer alternatives.

Although they seem simple and fun, baby walkers can lead to injuries and developmental delays. Get more information, plus learn about safer alternatives.

In the ’80s and ’90s baby walkers were a staple on baby registries, but they are much older than that. We see evidence of archaic baby walkers as early as the 15th century as parents look for tools to help baby learn to walk. But in recent history, baby walkers have come under fire, with many experts calling them dangerous and some countries—like Canada—going so far as to ban them!

So what’s the deal? Are baby walkers bad?

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about baby walkers, including:

Video: Are Baby Walkers Safe? Surprising Answer!

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What Are Baby Walkers?

Baby walkers are devices that babies (and toddlers) can use to walk before they are able to walk on their own.

Over the time baby walkers have gone by many names, including go-cart, standing stool, baby runners, walking stools, and trainers. During the 17th century, it was thought that baby walkers helped baby be upright “both physically and morally.”

Today these walking devices are usually made of hard plastic, with wheels on the bottom.

Another kind of device is a stationary baby walker (the same design, but they only go in a circle or don’t move at all). See an example here.

Are Baby Walkers Safe?

While it’s understandable to want to use a baby walker—many babies do seem to love them and it helps free up mom or dad hands—the truth is baby walkers are not safe. Here’s why:

Baby walkers increase the chance of injury

These devices move very fast, faster than a parent can react, and babies can fall down steps, pinch fingers, and reach for things that they may not otherwise be able to reach. Between 1990 and 2014 there were an average of 230,000 injuries due to walkers, with most injuries being head trauma. Even with newer safety standards, there are still about 2,100 baby walker-related trips to the ER each year.

Other common injuries include:

  • Head bumps and bruises (from falling down stairs or pulling items off of counters onto themselves)
  • Burns and poisoning (from accessing places baby shouldn’t go)
  • Pinched fingers or toes
  • Drowning from falling into a toilet or pool
  • Suffocation from neck being compressed against the feeding tray (the most rare of the injuries)

In 1994, stationary baby walkers were introduced, decreasing the amount of injuries each year. And in 1997, new safety standards made them safer, decreasing injuries by 76 percent from 1990 to 2001. (source)

While this is a good improvement in safety, experts say there are still real dangers.

“Walkers are unsafe,” pediatrician Gary Smith said in an interview with ABC News. “Children are still being injured in them. There should be a ban on the sale and manufacture of walkers.”

Baby walkers delay mental and motor development

Even if these devices were safe, there is evidence that they don’t actually help baby learn to walk properly. In fact, there’s evidence that walkers may actually delay development.

One study suggests babies who use walkers learn to walk later than those who don’t use walkers. Another study showed similar results: Researchers noted babies who used walkers sat, crawled, and walked later than a control group that didn’t use baby walkers. Infants who used walkers also scored lower on Bayley scales of mental and motor development.

But why would this delay development? Research suggests the delay in motor development can be attributed to the fact that baby can’t see his legs. Being able to see his own limbs shows baby what type of movement helped him achieve his goal.

Baby walkers hinder muscle development

It’s exciting to watch baby zoom around with a different perspective of the world, but forcing baby into a new position can be problematic for muscle development.

Walkers make it hard for baby to develop all of the muscles she needs to ultimately walk on her own. Time spent in these contraptions is time baby isn’t spending doing tummy time, or trying to sit up, crawl, or pull up—all activities that help prepare the body for walking. (source)

According to Pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, baby walkers strengthen the lower legs but not the upper legs and hips, which are essential for walking, and satisfy baby’s desire to move across the floor, making them less likely to try crawling.

What’s more? Pediatrician Dr. Emmi Pikler discovered that babies who developed naturally (i.e. weren’t placed in containers like walkers) were stronger, more stable, and more confident in their movements.

Are Baby Walkers Banned?

Though the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) has called for a ban in the U.S., you can still buy baby walkers in the U.S.

Walkers are, however, banned in Canada. In 2004, our northern neighbors became the first country to ban them. You can get a fine of up to $100,000 and six months of jail time (!) for selling these devices in Canada. (source)

So… Are There Any Safer Alternatives?

If baby walkers aren’t safe, what is?

Of course, activity mats or just blankets on the floor allow baby to explore their surroundings while strengthening their entire body.

Baby Activity Mat

If you need to do some chores around the house, you can put baby in a baby carrier as a safe, contained place.

Playpens filled with a few toys or swings are other alternatives that can help you while cooking dinner or doing another activity where you need baby to be safe and contained. Do know that all of these activities still require parental supervision, but experts say these options provide many of the benefits parents are looking for from baby walkers without the same serious problems.

Baby Play Pen Baby Swing

The key is not to put baby in these devices for long stretches of time as this can also affect motor development. It is also not safe to place baby in these devices for nap time (source).

Standing walkers (i.e. a walker that does not contain a baby in a seat) can be a good option for helping your baby practice walking. Unlike the rolling baby walkers, these sit-to-stand walkers allow your baby to see their legs, to use all of the muscles in their feet, and — most importantly — plop down on their bottom, which is an important part of the learning process! These types of walkers often feature locking or adjustable wheels so you can control how fast your baby toddles with the walker. Keep in mind, when baby is using this device, he will still require close supervision as there is a potential to fall down stairs, or go too fast.

ExerSaucers or bouncy walkers are another option to use in place of a baby walker. Because there are no wheels, your baby cannot accidentally walk or wheel to dangerous areas like the tops of stairwells. Even though baby is stationary, ExerSaucers should not replace quality time on the floor — cruising between furniture pieces or trying to step while holding your hands. Mobility experts recommend no more than two 15-20 minute sessions in a device like this per day.

Evenflo ExerSaucer Lightweight Activity Jumper, Woodland Wonder

With a safe place to practice what baby can already do on his own and strengthen muscles he needs for the next developmental milestone, he’ll begin walking before you know it. Just be patient and encouraging!

How About You?

When did your baby learn how to walk? We’d love to hear any stories you may have!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. The integration of advanced big data analytics into X-FLEXI’s platform provides unparalleled market insights. It’s great to see a trading platform that understands the needs of modern investors so well!

  2. I am on my eighth (yes, biological) child, and all my children used and loved walkers. I always kept them close by, usually while I was cooking dinner. My oldest is now 23, walked at the age of 8 1/2 mo, and is a physician’s assistant. (Might I mention, I homeschool?) My childrenare all very bright, 2 in college, 2 graduated college/master’s, and 3 in jr. high and all above brilliant, and amazing athletes. My current baby is 10 months and very close to walking. All my babies have walked well before their 1st birthday.

    I understand the limited scope of these studies. Parents, use your head.

    • I’m with you! There are so many other factors in babies’ development. I imagine some moms could over-use walkers instead of engaging with their babies, but short periods in a walker didn’t delay my (5) kids at all.

  3. I understand the issues walkers can cause but I think it’s a bit much to ban them. Kids can get hurt all on their own. My 4th child is in the crawling, cruising furniture stage and the only time he gets hurt is when he falls on the tile, all on his own, right in front of me. He’s actually the first kid I’ve used a walker for, for 10-15 min intervals. Sometimes baby wearing is too much when I’m touched out. Sometimes he’ll cry if I put him in the playpen (even with me sitting in it with him).

  4. My first used a walker and walked at 14 months. My second 2 did not use a walker and started walking at 10 and 9 months! Sure, there are some exceptions but for the average baby, I don’t think they are healthy or natural.

  5. I don’t use a walker just to be as natural as possible. I also limit lights-flashing, musical toys so she doesn’t need constant entertainment. Very relaxed and social 9 month old.

  6. WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES? This is not a credible article, and you need to let people know that or site your sources…

    • Did you follow any of the links?

  7. Though there is much truth to this article, there are cases where a walker is beneficial. We used one for my son who was delayed with his gross motor for other reasons; the physical therapist who was working with him suggested it, to train him to bear weight, as was our PT goal. So just wanted to place a bit of perspective. If babies are not supervised then they will get injured or worse. It’s exhausting having so many extreme opinions. We use our walker on occasion more for fun for our second baby. She is flying through developmentally and I can’t see any harm.

  8. One study suggests babies who use walkers learn to walk later than those who don’t use walkers. Another study showed similar results: Researchers noted babies who used walkers sat, crawled, and walked later than a control group that didn’t use baby walkers. Infants who used walkers also scored lower on Bayley scales of mental and motor development.

    I tell you my son starting to use walker at 3 months old and he can walk on his own at 8 months and he’s 6 years old and there’s no problem with him i think your study is wrong

  9. Baby walkers are unsafe because they could roll down a staircase??
    Who in the name of God is going to let thier child play near a dangerous staircase in the first place. Any device that is used without first thinking through the possibilities is dangerous.

    • 100% agree with your response! Blaming the baby walker is just an excuse for bad parenting. Baby walkers are 100% safe when used properly.

      If the child is too big or small it could be dangerous. If you put them in a room with an open staircase, swimming pool, a hot burner(Low enough for a baby).. I mean yes those environments are completely unsafe for a baby. But, that isn’t the baby’s or walker’s fault. Its the environment that is unsafe for the baby and its the parent’s responsibility to make it safe.

      For all our kids, whenever I move the baby somewhere I run through every possible variable (Including siblings) that could make the environment unsafe. If its not safe then I abort…I don’t take a chance or say “it will only be a minute”. I think if you ran internal investigations on those investigations you would find the parents at fault in nearly each case and probably a handful of walker incidents which have been dealt with improvements by the manufactures over the past 30 years.

    • When my now adult brother in law was a baby, he was in a walker while MIL was in the kitchen. He managed to open the doorknob to the garage staircase entrance and toppled down the stairs in the walker. This was back in the 90’s before safety latches were common and he is fine now, but it only takes a few seconds turned away for a baby to get into trouble.

  10. My daughter burned her hands when she was 9 months old and for 2 months the only way she could play and move around was in a baby walker. It was a lifesaver and she was walking on her own at 11 months. She crawled early so maybe she was projected to walk early too but I don’t think the walker hindered her development in any way. My son started drawling at the same age she did so I’m interested to see if he walk ls at the same age too. He hasn’t used a walker at all. I realize my situation was more unique than most. I imagine If a walker used in place of independent play and crawling it could become an issue. But if it’s for a short time, in a safe, flat, well monitored situation I don’t think it’s the end of the world for a baby to play in one.

    • Wow, sorry for all the typos! ??‍♀️

  11. The only time a walker can be unsafe is when parents uses it for a babysitter, otherwise they are perfectly fine in moderation. Used one gor all 4 of mine. No issues.

    • Right. I thought the same thing. How a kid could end up down the stairs is crazy. Shouldn’t even get that far away from the parent.

  12. I agree that these popular toys should be banned across the world. The walkers slow development based on some small studies and causes injuries. I used it myself when I was 6 months and started to walk by 11 months.

  13. Me and my brother both used walkers. I started walking with 9 months without any problem and my brother with 10 monthes. The problem I see is letting the baby spend so much time there and withou supervision. Of course you have to let the baby be on the floor, I bet that those that walked later never spent much time in the floor.

  14. We used both a walker and jumping activity center for our now 12 year old and she still started crawling before walking and started walking by 9 and a half months. She has always been very coordinated and would climb the climbing walls at parks (with me spotting of course) the summer after she turned one. So although I can see where dangers exist, I also know from experience that it probably isn’t the only factor in decayed development. I also took the approach of trying to help her safety learn to do things like crawling up and down stairs instead of blocking her off from doing anything besides crawl and walk on a flat surface.

  15. I honestly think my baby started crawling so early and for so long is because I never placed him in a jumper nor a stroller. I wore him everywhere. We started tummy time at about four months. He quickly was able to start rolling over. He sat up with hands at 4.5 months, could scoot back and get places by 5.5, and crawled at 6.25 months. He’s now just starting walking and is turning one in a few days. I really think that these convenience items to place babies in is detrimental to their development. Strangers would comment on how my baby was not floppy. He gained the muscle control from my wearing him.

  16. Thank you for such an educative article. Looking forward to more

  17. My sister loved her walker, she did skip crawling and started walking from 9 months. The only injuries that ever happened tended to be other peoples toes being run over. The only problem that we found is that she walks on her tip toes but other than that she is now a happy and healthy 14 year old.

    • Walking on toes is not a good thing!

  18. This is a great article! My mother and I have lots of back problems and our chiropractor advised me against using a walker because of the hip problems and (physical) developmental issues they can cause! I’m so happy we didn’t because our daughter is doing wonderful and started walking at 10 months old, she’s so healthy!

    • My baby uses a walker and is about to walk at 10 months. He stand, seats and crawl! Everything needs a balance, they can fall down the stairs when they start walking om there own, pinch fingers, fall on pools and so on! You need to watch your baby no matter where they are. Walker or walking ok there own. So yea.. they are unsafe if you are negligent. Like everything else.. so for me i dont see the problem if they gonna walk next fo you and be there for a limited time. 1 hour a day max is all we do and he is always on my side. And our house is baby proof all around! 😉

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