Vera Name Meaning

Beyond its religious origins, the name Vera holds a lot of meaning and significance. It’s a name that represents integrity, trustworthiness and a strong sense of self. This makes it a great name for any girl who is destined for greatness.

Origins of the Name Vera

The name Vera is of Slavic origin, derived from the word “vera” meaning “faith” or “truth.” It’s a variant of the name Verena, which has a similar meaning and can be traced back to ancient Roman times. The name was popular among early Christians, as it symbolized the virtue of faith and trust in God.

Popularity of the Name Vera

Vera began to gain popularity as a given name in the late 19th century, and it reached its peak of popularity in the early 20th century. It was a name that could be found in many countries, including Russia, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Today, the name Vera is still a popular choice among parents. It’s a classic name that has stood the test of time, and its meaning and significance make it a great choice for any little girl.

In recent years, the name has been used in literature, movies and TV series. This has helped to keep the name in the public consciousness and has helped to maintain its popularity.

Final Thoughts on the Name Vera

In conclusion, the name Vera is a classic name with a rich history, meaningful origins and a modern-day resurgence in popularity. Its association with integrity, trustworthiness and self-reliance make it a great name for any girl who is destined for greatness. So, if you’re looking for a name that is both timeless and meaningful, Vera may just be the perfect choice!

Infographic of Vera name meaning, which is Meaning faith in Russian, Vera ultimately comes from the word for truth in Latin.
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Vera Name Popularity

How popular is the name Vera? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 71 1,329 0.3775%
1911 68 1,488 0.3996%
1912 68 1,957 0.3881%
1913 68 2,192 0.3866%
1914 68 2,672 0.3834%
1915 65 3,448 0.3795%
1916 66 3,611 0.3738%
1917 66 3,710 0.3708%
1918 68 3,914 0.3647%
1919 65 3,847 0.3674%
1920 75 3,775 0.3395%
1921 76 3,623 0.3164%
1922 78 3,505 0.3146%
1923 82 3,359 0.2999%
1924 85 3,470 0.2988%
1925 86 3,273 0.2896%
1926 84 3,139 0.2854%
1927 89 2,932 0.2649%
1928 91 2,839 0.2653%
1929 98 2,533 0.2445%
1930 104 2,477 0.2371%
1931 109 2,154 0.2182%
1932 120 2,010 0.2034%
1933 119 1,847 0.1982%
1934 125 1,820 0.1883%
1935 124 1,805 0.1857%
1936 142 1,489 0.1546%
1937 148 1,478 0.15%
1938 155 1,392 0.136%
1939 153 1,377 0.1354%
1940 158 1,300 0.1223%
1941 170 1,244 0.1105%
1942 174 1,290 0.1022%
1943 181 1,228 0.0941%
1944 182 1,171 0.0945%
1945 179 1,113 0.0913%
1946 202 1,181 0.08%
1947 213 1,195 0.0716%
1948 214 1,123 0.0703%
1949 222 1,079 0.0671%
1950 229 1,080 0.0671%
1951 232 1,069 0.063%
1952 239 1,063 0.0609%
1953 231 1,166 0.0659%
1954 231 1,190 0.0651%
1955 235 1,137 0.0618%
1956 246 1,127 0.0597%
1957 269 1,017 0.0529%
1958 285 943 0.0499%
1959 291 941 0.0495%
1960 315 869 0.0459%
1961 318 836 0.0443%
1962 347 705 0.0384%
1963 351 686 0.0382%
1964 378 604 0.0343%
1965 400 497 0.0304%
1966 435 424 0.0272%
1967 435 422 0.0278%
1968 486 351 0.0234%
1969 510 319 0.0207%
1970 521 329 0.0207%
1971 589 250 0.0166%
1972 615 206 0.0151%
1973 652 180 0.0139%
1974 740 144 0.0111%
1975 665 176 0.0137%
1976 757 137 0.0106%
1977 790 138 0.0102%
1978 880 111 0.0083%
1979 865 123 0.0087%
1980 945 104 0.0071%
1981 992 95 0.0065%
1982 871 123 0.0082%
1983 1,027 85 0.0058%
1984 1,155 66 0.0044%
1985 1,067 86 0.0057%
1986 1,275 55 0.0036%
1987 1,330 53 0.0035%
1988 1,558 40 0.0026%
1989 1,486 52 0.0032%
1990 1,501 56 0.0034%
1991 1,632 47 0.0029%
1992 1,636 47 0.0029%
1993 1,540 54 0.0035%
1994 1,560 52 0.0034%
1995 2,164 22 0.0015%
1996 1,846 34 0.0023%
1997 2,121 24 0.0016%
1998 1,551 58 0.0039%
1999 2,057 28 0.0019%
2000 1,508 67 0.0044%
2001 1,830 43 0.0029%
2002 1,595 62 0.0041%
2003 1,658 59 0.0039%
2004 1,511 74 0.0049%
2005 1,325 105 0.0069%
2006 1,363 107 0.0068%
2007 1,213 144 0.0091%
2008 1,045 192 0.0124%
2009 880 252 0.0169%
2010 660 386 0.0268%
2011 508 532 0.0373%
2012 489 579 0.0406%
2013 419 687 0.0483%
2014 355 871 0.0598%
2015 304 1,023 0.0703%
2016 300 1,018 0.0706%
2017 266 1,136 0.0814%
2018 250 1,242 0.0904%
2019 244 1,250 0.0923%
2020 250 1,150 0.0903%
2021 232 1,181 0.0966%
2022 224 1,310 0.0993%

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Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Faith; truth



Faith; truth; true image



Faith; truth; true image



Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth; green; spring green



Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth






Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth; true



Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth






Faith; truth



Faith; truth



Faith; truth; true



Faith; truth


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Fair one; white, smooth, soft



True image


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Cloth softener



Man's defender



  1. My husband would always say he wanted his daughters name to be Vera. All ten years of dating, marriage, and pregnancy, it was always Vera. Even when we waited for the gender, he knew her.
    He fell in love with it from a Pink Floyd song and who the musicians were referring to. Over time, I fell in love with it too.
    It was always a daughter. It was always Vera.

  2. Vera means faith and my faith grew immensely during this pregnancy journey.

  3. Vera is my paternal great grandmother’s name. I’ve always loved it since I was little and my husband immediately loved it too! We named our first child after my husband and I love family names so this name seemed perfect for our daughter!

  4. I love the meaning and how it’s unique without being obscure. It’s feminine and simple.

    I don’t like that people pronounce it different ways like with a long e sound when I pronounce it with a short e sound.

  5. This is a Swedish name and we thouhght it would be beautiful! All of my 6 girls names are Kajsalynn(Kajsa), Vera (Vee-ra) , Leena, Mirijum (Miriam), Solveig (sol-veigh), and Linnea!

  6. It’s was he grandmother name and she was born on her birthday day…and she loves her baby brother she is 13

  7. I loved the name Vera as soon as I heard it. When I found out it meant truth in Latin, I loved that our names would share the same meaning. We named our daughter Vera since its recognizable, but still unique. We pronounce it Vair-ah and have had trouble with some family members saying Veer-ah, but we are working on it!

  8. I heard this name years ago from one of the girls my mom watched at daycare and instantly loved it! It’s such a timeless name, it’s short and sweet, and I love names that are unique so it was perfect!

  9. Vera means faith in russian and truth in latin. I wanted a hopeful name that reflects my beliefs and heritage.

  10. My name is Vera Bridget. My parents came to the US from Ireland. I’m the oldest of 4 girls, no boys. Going to school in the 60’s, I was ALWAYS the only Vera. I didn’t like being the only girl in my class, every year, that had such an unusual name. However, as an adult, I love my name. These days girls everywhere have unique names. Therefore, I think people that are considering naming their daughter Vera should go for it!

    • Do you pronounce Vair-a or Veer-a?

  11. We chose the name Vera because it’s different and she’s one in a million! She’s the sweetest baby ever! Vera came from her dads GMA and her middle name is Kay after my mom who passed away 3 years ago.. She’ll be one on Jan 28th. Her dad and I are both 33 and she’s our first baby! She’s definitely a princess! ??

  12. It means truth and faithfulness and I love that! Beautiful and unique

  13. Vera feels slightly exotic but it has been anglicized for over a century, so it has the side benefit of also feeling timeless.

    Most names have some sort of origin meaning, but Vera has an unmistakable and familiar root in veritas (truth).

  14. Vera is such a beautiful old fashioned name it was my great grandmas name I absolutely love it ?

    • are you my mum-

  15. I have a baby girl named Vera and I love her name. It’s recognizable without being too common. It’s cute and feminine, without being frilly. I will say, more people pronounce her name as vair-ah than I expected, which is kind of frustrating. We live in Michigan, so maybe it’s just a location thing.

    • Nope. I live in Indiana and also get Vair-a pronunciation. It is a bit irritating ?

  16. Classy, with a little mystery

  17. Her name is the female character from the novel War and Peace. It was very popular in Europe when the book was first published. My husband is the one who actually chose it because we’d also gave our son(who went to heaven three days after birth) a middle name after a character in a novel.

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