Infographic of Ursula name meaning, which is “The little she-bear,” from the Latin iirsa, a she-bear.
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Ursula Name Popularity

How popular is the name Ursula? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 513 29 0.0082%
1911 523 30 0.0081%
1912 527 46 0.0091%
1913 497 64 0.0113%
1914 525 75 0.0108%
1915 552 90 0.0099%
1916 590 89 0.0092%
1917 607 86 0.0086%
1918 593 99 0.0092%
1919 594 96 0.0092%
1920 570 115 0.0103%
1921 622 98 0.0086%
1922 574 115 0.0103%
1923 581 112 0.01%
1924 604 108 0.0093%
1925 644 88 0.0078%
1926 651 81 0.0074%
1927 625 90 0.0081%
1928 625 83 0.0078%
1929 622 82 0.0079%
1930 556 104 0.01%
1931 650 63 0.0064%
1932 667 63 0.0064%
1933 550 89 0.0096%
1934 591 80 0.0083%
1935 613 69 0.0071%
1936 589 82 0.0085%
1937 647 67 0.0068%
1938 651 67 0.0065%
1939 647 67 0.0066%
1940 727 51 0.0048%
1941 707 59 0.0052%
1942 801 49 0.0039%
1943 887 38 0.0029%
1944 763 56 0.0045%
1945 960 28 0.0023%
1946 986 34 0.0023%
1947 902 51 0.0031%
1948 1,085 29 0.0018%
1949 1,181 24 0.0015%
1950 1,022 39 0.0024%
1951 973 46 0.0027%
1952 948 52 0.003%
1953 1,036 43 0.0024%
1954 890 70 0.0038%
1955 779 101 0.0055%
1956 824 97 0.0051%
1957 917 77 0.004%
1958 947 72 0.0038%
1959 918 82 0.0043%
1960 942 78 0.0041%
1961 751 145 0.0077%
1962 720 157 0.0086%
1963 733 150 0.0084%
1964 686 175 0.0099%
1965 504 309 0.0189%
1966 492 312 0.02%
1967 476 352 0.0232%
1968 512 312 0.0208%
1969 495 342 0.0222%
1970 553 288 0.0181%
1971 490 349 0.0232%
1972 489 320 0.0235%
1973 539 264 0.0204%
1974 584 220 0.0169%
1975 594 220 0.0171%
1976 678 172 0.0133%
1977 695 175 0.013%
1978 824 128 0.0095%
1979 835 133 0.0094%
1980 915 111 0.0076%
1981 898 117 0.008%
1982 950 107 0.0072%
1983 969 97 0.0066%
1984 1,057 84 0.0056%
1985 1,086 83 0.0055%
1986 1,086 84 0.0056%
1987 1,216 66 0.0043%
1988 1,223 71 0.0046%
1989 1,293 70 0.0043%
1990 1,525 54 0.0033%
1991 1,816 35 0.0021%
1992 2,074 26 0.0016%
1993 2,272 20 0.0013%
1994 2,226 21 0.0014%
1995 2,197 21 0.0014%
1996 3,179 6 0.0004%
1997 2,819 10 0.0007%
1998 1,974 30 0.002%
1999 2,666 13 0.0009%
2000 2,328 22 0.0014%
2001 2,635 15 0.001%
2002 0 0%
2003 2,761 14 0.0009%
2004 3,739 5 0.0003%
2005 0 0%
2006 3,495 6 0.0004%
2007 3,033 12 0.0008%
2008 0 0%
2009 3,303 7 0.0005%
2010 3,622 5 0.0003%
2011 3,746 5 0.0004%
2012 2,893 11 0.0008%
2013 0 0%
2014 3,140 7 0.0005%
2015 3,329 6 0.0004%
2016 0 0%
2017 3,470 5 0.0004%
2018 0 0%
2019 0 0%
2020 3,920 7 0.0005%
2021 0 0%
2022 0 0%

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Names Like Ursula

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What names are diminutives of Ursula?

A diminutive is a name that’s like Ursula sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Ursula, but shorter.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Ursula.


A diminutive form, regarded as German, of Ursula.


What names are variants of Ursula?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Ursula.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Peace; little she-bear



Will, determination



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear



Little she-bear


What names sound like Ursula?

If you like how Ursula sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Ursula.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender







What names are similar to Ursula?

Find a name that’s like Ursula, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



Lists With Ursula

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Ursula.


  1. le puse a mi hija ese nombre. No sabr?a decir de donde lo saqu?… Un d?a bromeando con mi esposo le dije tendremos una hija y se llamar? Ursula a ?l no le gustaba nada ajajaj siempre dec?a la NO Ursula har? eso y lo otro ajajaj PD: solo era broma pues nunca quisimos tener hijos, hasta que un d?a fuimos al m?dico y ten?a 7 meses… As? como lleg? el nombre m?gicamente de la nada, as? mismo lleg? nuestra hija, inquieta revoltosa, muy p?lida y ojos oscuros y brillantes casi como la noche misma.
    Debo de reconocer que as? como me han elogiado su nombre, me lo han criticado mucho. Sin embargo, no me la imagino con un nombre distinto.

  2. My name is Ursula. My Mom chose the name after meeting a German foreign exchange student in college. She said she knew immediately when she was having a little girl that she was naming me Ursula. I love my name. I don’t bump into many women named Ursula but I ended up going to school with 2 others. Depending on the generation I get asked was I named after the Little Mermaid Seawitch character or Ursula Andress the actress. Meaning is everything let the meaning fit the child.

  3. My name is also Ursula. I used to have and have 3 nick-names: Ulla, Uschi and Ursi. My Spanish friends call me Ursulita.
    I actually love my name and also my nick-names. ?

  4. Ursula is a unique, old fashioned and strong name that fits perfectly our dark-eyed feisty little girl. My husband enjoys astronomy and studying the stars, and was inspired by the Ursa constellations. Ursula means “little she bear” and also jives with our love of the natural world. The one thing I maybe do not care for is when someone hears her name and asks if it’s from The Little Mermaid. But for the most part, people love hearing a name that just isn’t at all common.

    • My middle name is Ursula and I love it.
      I was born in Germany that’s why my parents chose it for me.
      Its unique and beautiful is Ursula.
      Prefer Ursula over my first name.

      • My daughter is Mary Ursula!

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