Girl Boy’s name Tommie Tommie Tommie means: twin. Tommie Name Origin: Aramaic Pronunciation: t(om)-mie Share your thoughts about Tommie Share Popularity Alternatives Infographic of Tommie name meaning, which is twin Ask your friends & family about Tommie… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Tommie Name Popularity How popular is the name Tommie? Here’s everything we know. Chart Raw Data By State Year Rank # Births % Births 1910 378 69 0.0196% 1911 387 64 0.0172% 1912 380 107 0.0212% 1913 365 133 0.0235% 1914 393 138 0.0198% 1915 387 193 0.0212% 1916 407 195 0.0202% 1917 402 207 0.0207% 1918 382 247 0.023% 1919 381 249 0.0238% 1920 419 212 0.0191% 1921 407 235 0.0205% 1922 374 265 0.0238% 1923 396 237 0.0212% 1924 377 288 0.0248% 1925 377 290 0.0257% 1926 352 319 0.029% 1927 351 332 0.03% 1928 358 321 0.03% 1929 348 316 0.0305% 1930 354 314 0.0301% 1931 379 247 0.025% 1932 334 317 0.0321% 1933 344 288 0.0309% 1934 334 308 0.0319% 1935 327 332 0.0342% 1936 356 272 0.0282% 1937 323 333 0.0338% 1938 356 289 0.0282% 1939 370 274 0.0269% 1940 382 259 0.0244% 1941 395 254 0.0226% 1942 357 343 0.0272% 1943 363 347 0.0266% 1944 372 317 0.0256% 1945 391 284 0.0233% 1946 442 263 0.0178% 1947 452 286 0.0171% 1948 473 242 0.0152% 1949 475 245 0.0152% 1950 483 234 0.0145% 1951 492 234 0.0138% 1952 534 211 0.0121% 1953 585 177 0.01% 1954 644 159 0.0087% 1955 638 165 0.009% 1956 684 148 0.0078% 1957 706 150 0.0078% 1958 714 144 0.0076% 1959 787 123 0.0065% 1960 802 117 0.0062% 1961 820 115 0.0061% 1962 932 80 0.0044% 1963 830 107 0.006% 1964 901 84 0.0048% 1965 924 73 0.0045% 1966 919 72 0.0046% 1967 883 83 0.0055% 1968 1,101 48 0.0032% 1969 1,063 59 0.0038% 1970 990 75 0.0047% 1971 1,162 52 0.0035% 1972 1,297 36 0.0026% 1973 1,273 37 0.0029% 1974 1,495 26 0.002% 1975 1,397 34 0.0026% 1976 1,359 36 0.0028% 1977 1,345 42 0.0031% 1978 2,074 12 0.0009% 1979 2,060 14 0.001% 1980 1,569 31 0.0021% 1981 1,870 20 0.0014% 1982 2,645 7 0.0005% 1983 2,123 14 0.0009% 1984 1,949 18 0.0012% 1985 2,552 9 0.0006% 1986 2,697 8 0.0005% 1987 2,386 12 0.0008% 1988 2,476 12 0.0008% 1989 2,360 16 0.001% 1990 — 0 0% 1991 3,008 9 0.0006% 1992 3,104 7 0.0004% 1993 — 0 0% 1994 3,413 6 0.0004% 1995 3,134 7 0.0005% 1996 2,979 8 0.0005% 1997 — 0 0% 1998 3,155 7 0.0005% 1999 — 0 0% 2000 — 0 0% 2001 2,818 12 0.0008% 2002 — 0 0% 2003 — 0 0% 2004 3,315 7 0.0005% 2005 4,056 5 0.0003% 2006 — 0 0% 2007 — 0 0% 2008 — 0 0% 2009 — 0 0% 2010 — 0 0% 2011 3,896 5 0.0004% 2012 3,146 7 0.0005% 2013 — 0 0% 2014 — 0 0% 2015 — 0 0% 2016 — 0 0% 2017 3,291 5 0.0004% 2018 2,749 10 0.0007% 2019 3,416 5 0.0004% 2020 4,193 6 0.0005% 2021 4,015 7 0.0006% 2022 4,552 6 0.0005% Alabama (AL) Arkansas (AR) Arizona (AZ) California (CA) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) Illinois (IL) Indiana (IN) Kansas (KS) Kentucky (KY) Louisiana (LA) Michigan (MI) Missouri (MO) Mississippi (MS) North Carolina (NC) New Mexico (NM) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) South Carolina (SC) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Virginia (VA) West Virginia (WV) Data via Names Like Tommie If you like Tommie, you’ll love these other names like Tommie. What names sound like Tommie? If you like how Tommie sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Tommie. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Tammie Twin English Timmie God's honor Greek Tommi Twin Aramaic Tommye Twin Aramaic What names are similar to Tommie? Find a name that’s like Tommie, but just a little bit different. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Ammie Beloved Latin Cammie Helper to the priest Latin Emmie Industrious, striving; work; rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal; emerald Spanish Jammie He who supplants Hebrew Jemmie Dove Hebrew Kammie Lord Japanese Kimmie Cyneburg's field English Noemie Pleasant Hebrew Pammie Honey; all sweetness Greek Sammie English Tamie English Tammee English Tammi Date palm; twin Hebrew Timmi God's honor Greek Tommy Twin Aramaic Tonie Latin Torie Bird; victory Latin Torrie Bird Japanese Toshie Mirror reflection Japanese Tottie Free man German Share your thoughts on the name Tommie Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. All fields are required *Name * Email * Your Thoughts * Δ Search Baby Names Quick Search Search Go Advanced Search Name Starts With Ends With Gender Any Boys Girls Only show unisex names Current Popularity [U.S.] Any More Popular Less Popular Origin Select origin… English Latin Hebrew Greek German Irish French American Spanish Arabic Aboriginal African American Ancient Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian Arthurian Legend Asian Aztec (Nahuatl) Bulgarian Celtic Chinese Danish Dutch Egyptian English European French Gaelic German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indian (Sanskrit) Indonesian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Latin Modern Native American Persian Polish Polynesian Portuguese Russian Scandinavian Scottish Slavic Spanish Turkish Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Meaning Number of Letters Min Max Syllables [BETA] Min Max Search Baby Names